UPDATE: added some pics
In Japan “Love Rain” has just begun… In Korea “Love Rain” is almost over…
I remember the first shooting day… Beautiful In Ha… Even his hair is beautiful~
일본에선 사랑비 시작,,, 한국에선 사랑비 곧 안녕… 추억돋네 사랑비 첫 촬영날에 고운 인하 머리… 머리결도 곱다~
From JKS / JKS official
[26.05.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS & staff twitter
ขอพระองค์ทรงพระเจริญ LONG LIVE THE KING
The same band members formed for JKS arena tour 2011 will join together in Asia tour this year! Ah! We missed the vocal!
2011 arena tour때의 jks band 올해의 아시아공연도 함께합니다 앗! 보컬이 빠졌다 2011 arena tourの時のjks band 今年のアジア公演も一緒にいきます。 あっ!ボーカルがいない!
[25.05.2012] Tree-J staff twitter
In NICONICO LIVE on May 29 (Tue), we are going to webcast a lot of Gune-chan’s comments for viewers! We appreciate cherry-chan who shot him in a beautiful outdoor garden and JKS who gave a lot of comments without any scripts!
5/29 (화) 니코생방에는 니코니코 시청자와 함께하는 근짱의 오리지널 멘트가 가득! / 예쁜 야외에서 촬영해준 채리짱 / 대본에 없는 멘트도 잔뜩해준 근짱 감사크리! 아유 예뽀!
[25.05.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS & staff twitter (1)
Credits: Angelnunhwa/JKSrealmotherbar
Background check: JKSLAND (a Chinese eels club) gave Jang Keun Suk and gift, a mini camera yesterday, he seems like it a lot. The first tweet in the photo, it showed that he bought lots of accessories for the camera. It is very exciting and happy for JKSLAND people to see that he enjoyed it a lot.
AsiaPrince_JKS: 큰일이다..앞 뒤 안보고 질러버렸네…..
It’s awful….I bought them too quickly without thinking…..
[25.05.2012] Weibo
UPDATE: added some photos
Credits: JKSLAND/Sukbar
English translation.: Sarah Ye
Background check: Yesterday JKSLAND (a Chinese eel club) have delivered some gifts, food and snacks to Jang Keun Suk as support for his work in Love Rain. He was busy and couldn’t really accepted the gifts by himself. He signed autographs and they left the gifts and food to the Tree J staff. Today, he went to weibo and thanks for the Chinese eels for their support. Here are the two messages.
중국장어들아 너희는 내게 새로운 꿈을 줬어…!!!! 땡큐크리!!!!!
Chinese eels, you give me a new dream!!! Thank you Cri!
[22.05.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter
[21.05.2012] Tree-J twitter
Jang Keun Suk gave T-shirts of codes combine as a present! Actor Jang together with codes prepared 100 T-shirts for the staff working hard. We hope this will encourage the staff and the shooting will peacefully come to an end.
코데즈컴바인 티셔츠 장근석이 쏩니다! 수고하는 사랑비 스텝들을 위해서 장배우가 코데즈와 함께 티셔츠 100벌을 준비했습니다. 스텝분들에게 조금이나마 힘이 되었기를 바라며, 마지막까지 무사촬영하기를 응원합니다.
[20.05.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter
English translation: @sa_sha26
Nearly was not able to make it to Jun Ha Hyung’s wedding.. Jun Ha Hyung and Sister-in-law, they are a perfect match… But….. what are sister-in-law’s friends doing right now ?????
준하형 결혼식 못갈뻔 하다가 앞바퀴들고 겨우 날라 감..준하형이랑 니모형수님 너무 잘어울린다.. 근데…..니모형수 친구들은 지금 뭐하고 있을까…..????? @Juna0465
[19.05.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter
[18.05.2012] Tree-J staff twitter
The possibility is 99% that those who say “I’m sorry” are unlikely to do such a thing which needs apology.
The possibility is 99% that those who say “Let’s improve” are unlikely to do such a wrong thing.
Therefore, you, smile! Let bygones be bygones.
미안하다- 말하는 사람은 미안할 것이 없을 가능성 99% 잘하자- 라고 말하는 사람은 잘못한 것이 없을 가능성 99% – 그러므로 당신! 웃어요! 이미 지나간 일이랍니다
[18.05.2012] Tree-J twitter
An unfortunate incident occurred on the set today. A fan threw a gift at JKS striking him in the head. He could have been seriously injured. If you really support him, please refrain yourselves from committing these kinds of senseless acts.
We have previously notified fans not to come to the set, but they disregarded our announcement. If you do not follow our warnings, the company will take strong actions to correct the situation. So please obey our directions. From now on, all gifts will only be accepted by JKS’s managers. Fans cannot approach JKS and try to give him anything. If you choose to ignore this warning, the company will take strong actions to correct the situation.