[13.08.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS & staff twitter

UPDATE: The meaning of ‘President in pants’
Weary soul wants to drink till death… The restaurant “pig nostril (돼지콧구멍)”. Come! Come!
지친영혼은 술 먹고 죽으련다…논현동 돼지콧구멍 121-3 컴컴
tenshi_akuma’s note: The restaurant “pig nostril (돼지콧구멍)” is owned by Lee Jae Hoon, a member of K-POP group “COOL”. Some blog introduced this restaurant. Here is the one.

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[12.08.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS & staff twitter

Today I feel more proud of being Jang Keun Suk’s music producer than Director Choi Chulho^^ Please give him the highest praise~~
오늘난 최철호감독이란 내이름보다 장근석의 프로듀서란 이름이 너무나 자랑스럽다^^그에게 최고의 찬사를~~

All the staff can’t approach even the place where Actor Jang is … The roads are flooded with chasers… We’re sleepy in the bus stopped moving and get hungry… But I’m worried more about this confusion might lead to cancel his scheduled performance. Now Jang Keun Suk has been considered as one of dangerous men who creates disorder in China.
스탭들 모두 장배우가 있는 곳으로 가까이 가지도 못한다… 추격자들로 가득찬 도로… 우리는 멈춘 버스 안에서 졸리고, 배고프다… 근데 공연 취소가 더 걱정 장근석은 중국에서 질서를 어지럽히는 위험인물이 되었다

Please help us to lift his ban (for stop drinking)~~~
저희 봉인해제하게 좀 도와주세요~~~

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[12.08.2012] Jang Keun Suk and JasonJang’s Weibo

Credit: Jang Keun Suk weibo

I love China.. but I don’t like Saeseng fans who chase me 24 hours, they only care for their own needs but don’t care about the safety and don’t follow the traffic rules on the street.. I was planning to stay a bit longer in China to write Shanghai Diary.. Now I go back to Kroea, sorry to everyone, thank you. I love you, but except Saeseng fans.
我爱中国.. 只是不喜欢24小时追着我不遵守交通法规不顾安全只想着自己利益的一部分私生饭们.. 反正我本想多在中国待一会也写上海日记的..我回韩国了! 大家对不起也谢谢你们 我爱你们.. 除了私生饭..
@张根硕 : 난 중국을 사랑해요.. 24시간 나 쫓아다니며 교통법규 위반하고 안전상관안하고 자기 이익만 생각하는 일부 사생팬들이 싫을 뿐.. 어쨋든 중국에 더 있고 싶었고 상하이 다이어리도 쓰고싶었는데..저는 한국으로 돌아갑니다! 다들 미안하고 고맙고 사랑해요.. 사생팬빼고.. #WeicoLomo#

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[11.08.2012] Tree-J & staff twitter

CRI SHOW2 in Shanghai is totally different from the one last year..! Even in a year, it’s become bigger like this… Watching the stage rehearsal, I’m feeling special… I hope we’ll have nice and safe performance tomorrow..!
작년과 너무 다른 상해 크리쇼..! 1년 사이에, 또 이렇게 커버리다니… 무대 리허설보면서, 남다른 이 기분… 내일 멋진 공연, 무사 공연..!

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[11.08.2012] JKS Weibo

JKS: Didn’t I say not to cross the centre line, you all are not listening?? If accidents happen, I can’t come to China anymore and this is fine with you too??? ah????
중앙선 넘어서 운전하지 말라그랬는데 너네 참 말 안드는구나? ? 사고나서 다시 중국에 내가 돌아오지 못해도 괜찮아??? 어????

I don’t want my eels to be injured in any accident .. if you don’t pay attention to safety, I can’t come to China anymore.. please pay attention to safety when driving, please… please…
내 장어들이 다치고 사고 나는거 난 원하지 않는다..안전이 바로 잡혀있지않으면 나는 다시 중국에 오지 못해.. 제발 안전운전 제발… 내가 부탁한다…

People who buy pirated merchandise, I don’t admit that you are eels …..
짝뚱굿즈랑 사는 너네는 장어로 인정하지 않겠어……

Hope you like the official merchandise~~ because I designed it~~ feel Jang Keun Suk’s soul~~~ piracy go and die~~~
공식 굿즈 애용바람~~~ 내가 만든거니까~~~ 장근석의 소울을 느껴봐~~~~ 짝퉁은 즐~~~~

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[10.08.2012] Jang Keun Suk Weibo Q/A

Credit: Jang Keun Suk Weibo/Grape weibo (sorting)

English Translation: Sarah Ye

Note: According to Sina Entertainment, Jang Keun Suk Weibo Q/A made new record. Total question 422985 questions, it breaks the record which 《轩辕剑》drama team weibo Q/A 353806 questions on July 12. Congratulates to Jang Keun Suk. He is super! That means 7050 questions/min, 117 questions/second

This Q/A session was held by Sina weibo on line site on 2012-08-10 5pm (Shanghai local time). Jang Keun Suk would pick and answer questions asked from weibo on line users, from 422985 questions, he answered 63 of them in one hour.

Q1:If weibo followers go over 10 million, are you really going to dance on the Great Wall?
Suk: Not only dance on the great wall, I will also eat Jajangmyun (Black Bean Sauce noodles).
Note: Jajangmyun it is a popular and tradition noodle dish in Korea, but it was originally from China.

Q2: I didn’t go to chase you today, I am sad now.
Suk: Except you, others came!!!!!!

Q3: I heard that if man and women’s age gap is 6 years, that’s the best. I’m just like that, hahahah, please consider it.
Suk: That’s your thinking only.

Q4: When you will release a single album of Chinese song?
Suk: So you better pali (quick) make my weibo followers go over 10 million!!!

Q5: What it’s your favorite Chinese dish?
Suk: mapo tofu!!!!
Note: Here is the wiki page for mapo tofu, is a spicy dish, he loves spicy food. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mapo_doufu

Q6: Prince, I like you a lot?
Suk: Can’t you think of any question with more creativeness?

Q7: Have you ever considered going back to short hair style?
Suk: Unless I go to temple to be a monk??!!!

Q8: If your weibo followers is over 20 million, what you will do?
Suk: Buy a condo in Beijing.

Q9: How’s your cooking skills?
Suk: Of course……very good. I think yours must be not good, because normally always the person who is not good at cooking would ask such question.

Q10: I dreamed about you last night.
Suk: In your dream, what did we do actually?

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[09.08.2012] Tree-J staff twitter

This was taken last year at a meeting after finishing his first arena performance. I’ve tried to reduce the amount of iPhone space… But there are a lot of photos I just can’t delete. Okay, I just can delete music T_T
작년, 첫 아레나 공연을 마치고 회의하던 모습- 아이폰 용량을 줄이려고 애써보지만… 도저히 지울 수 없는 사진들 뿐이다- 그래, 음악을 지우자 ㅠㅁ ㅠ

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