[18.09.2012] Jang Keun Suk Weibo

Credit: Jang Keun Suk Weibo /Sukbar Weibo

JKS: The day after tomorrow.. Asia Prince is in Bazaar Korea (October) Chinese eels ah…! Start to save your bullets.. Korea Bazaar chozer!!! Come on let’s have a sold out!!!
【120918张根硕微博翻译】后天..亚洲王子Bazaar韩国(10月刊) 中国鳗鱼们啊….!!开始存子弹吧..韩国BAZAAR chozer!!!!来一次完售吧!!!(翻译:颖)
@张根硕 : The day after tomorrow.. Asia Prince is in Bazaar Korea(october) 중국 장어들아…!! 총알장전 시작하라..한국 바자 쵸져!!!!! 완판 한번 갑시다!!!

13 thoughts on “[18.09.2012] Jang Keun Suk Weibo”

    • Au,it is just a photo shoot^^ nothing to do with his behavior..we know Prince and he is not like that!!

  1. There is other pictures i saw on some other pages and he was smoking in most of it!! dose he somke because i’ve see bts pictures of love rain shooting and he was somking as well!!OMG..is he asmoker??!

    • i think he is smoking…probably it’s his way of releasing some tensions in the middle of works…. but it is not good for your health, dear prince, i hope you quit.


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