As this is a new blog dedicated to JKS, I was considering these serious questions on the future direction of my blog : p
(1) Should I post every single piece of juicy gossip about JKS?
(2) Should I post / translate eels’ encounters with JKS?
After much thought, I decided not to. If I post all the bits and pieces, I’ll never get any rest, so I thought I’ll just stick to posting official news or reports about JKS events. My resolution lasted for one day, until I saw this eel story that got me squeeing in delight and thinking, I want to post this!
Conclusion: I will still re-post (or translate) any fan accounts that I think worthwhile. I hope to meet JKS one day, and have this dream experience too : D
Enjoy the read~
这部落格才起步几天,我认真思考过,该不该 PO 所有小帅的八卦消息和其他鳗鱼见到小帅的心情故事? 如果真要全部都 PO,我应该会忙死吧? 而且其他鳗鱼的故事也不是自己的经历。所以决定了只 PO 小帅正式活动的相关报导。
结果,不到一天的时间,我推翻了自己的决定,都是这个故事惹的祸!害我读了很感动加激动,所以想和更多人分享,让更多人了解小帅 :D
结论是,我会依据自己的喜好 PO 其他鳗鱼的故事~ ENJOY~
— Credits to an eel from Baidusukbar —-
2 Jan Guangzhou trip – Like a Dream
I say it’s like a dream, my boyfriend says it’s like watching television drama.
As it was New Year, I was already on vacation and at home. I only knew at midnight that JKS was coming to Guangzhou, and decided on the spot that I must go.
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