As this is a new blog dedicated to JKS, I was considering these serious questions on the future direction of my blog : p
(1) Should I post every single piece of juicy gossip about JKS?
(2) Should I post / translate eels’ encounters with JKS?
After much thought, I decided not to. If I post all the bits and pieces, I’ll never get any rest, so I thought I’ll just stick to posting official news or reports about JKS events. My resolution lasted for one day, until I saw this eel story that got me squeeing in delight and thinking, I want to post this!
Conclusion: I will still re-post (or translate) any fan accounts that I think worthwhile. I hope to meet JKS one day, and have this dream experience too : D
Enjoy the read~
这部落格才起步几天,我认真思考过,该不该 PO 所有小帅的八卦消息和其他鳗鱼见到小帅的心情故事? 如果真要全部都 PO,我应该会忙死吧? 而且其他鳗鱼的故事也不是自己的经历。所以决定了只 PO 小帅正式活动的相关报导。
结果,不到一天的时间,我推翻了自己的决定,都是这个故事惹的祸!害我读了很感动加激动,所以想和更多人分享,让更多人了解小帅 :D
结论是,我会依据自己的喜好 PO 其他鳗鱼的故事~ ENJOY~
— Credits to an eel from Baidusukbar —-
2 Jan Guangzhou trip – Like a Dream
I say it’s like a dream, my boyfriend says it’s like watching television drama.
As it was New Year, I was already on vacation and at home. I only knew at midnight that JKS was coming to Guangzhou, and decided on the spot that I must go. At 6 am before the sun rose, I started my trip. In order to reach the Guangzhou airport, I took N modes of transport – motorcycle, bus, rail, everything. When I got there at 11.30 am, there was a sea of eels…
JKS JKS, one big crowd of women is waiting for you ~
I want to say, in future during such greeting sessions at the airport, can we not scream at the drop of a hat? I think screaming will cause heart and brain ailments ….
Originally, we heard that JKS would reach at noon. Around that time, many Koreans cleared the Customs exit. One pretty Korean lady asked us who we were waiting for. Upon hearing our reply, she asked in surprise, “Jang Keun Suk?” We said in chorus, “Yes.” I think she didn’t want to leave after that as she looked like she wanted to wait with us, haha~
Later, we heard that he would reach at around 5 pm. I felt down, and decided to go with another eel to get some lunch for us. Everyone was seated at the waiting area, and we chatted. Soon my boyfriend came. He can be considered half an eel, he said that he’s eel fried rice and I don’t know what that means! At around 3 pm, as we were sitting comfortably, suddenly someone screamed (I said we shouldn’t anyhow scream, right…). All the eels stood up, frantically searching for their cameras and asking at the same time, what happened? What happened? Is he here? How can he be here at 3 pm plus when his flight took off at 2 pm? Don’t tell me he took a space rocket? That was, of course, all due to the scream. It made us all stand and wait for JKS. Tiring.
An eel came and briefed us on what to note. I agree with her. She told us not to scream when we hear any news, especially about JKS’ flight landing. If the security saw our frenzied state, they might get JKS to exit the airport via their VIP exit. Later when we heard news of JKS’ flight landing, we tried our best to contain our excitement (the feeling of trying to suppress our excitement and screams nearly burst my veins). We hushed one another at any slight scream.
Actually, I did not harbour any hope of seeing JKS. But! At around 5 pm plus, Jason appeared [he is JKS’ manager in Asia]! Haha, I was sure that JKS would definitely appear via this exit. And Jason was really funny. He kept posing for us to take photographs, and told us not to rush in when JKS turned up. We agreed obediently, on condition that he asked JKS to pause for us to take photographs. And could he also ask JKS to walk slowly etc? Haha, that was cunning of us.
And then, and then, screams erupted.
He’s out, he’s really out!!
How do I describe him? In the past when my friends “pursued” stars and came back to tell me that the star was more handsome in person, I didn’t understand at all. How can someone be different in real life? Today, I understood. Jang Keun Suk is that type of person you’d first spot in any crowd. You don’t have to search for him, he is that brightest focal point, he really shines out. Beside him, everyone becomes part of the background. Fair, he’s really fair. I think, did he deliberately wear black to emphasize his fairness? And my camera ran out of battery at this point!!!! But I still recorded a short video clip.
JKS walked very slowly. I don’t know what his usual walking pace is. I only knew that he walked slowly on purpose, and he also stopped for a while to let us take photographs! Haha, weren’t our conditions fulfilled? My boyfriend and I stood at different places. Later, he told me that JKS was very handsome, just like watching drama~ and he felt that JKS was very tall, around 185 cm, because my boyfriend reaches 180 cm with his boots on, but JKS was taller than him by around 5 cm. He said that JKS was very, very thin, and his skinny legs looked like a girl’s.
JKS was smiling at us when he came out (like what I said when watching “You Are Beautiful”, Uhey and Go Mi-nam must have been electrified by his smile). Haha, my boyfriend was also electrified by JKS~
JKS JKS, your charm is really hard to resist. My friends used to say, JKS is not a person existing in real life, have you seen him? If you haven’t seen him, don’t talk about him. Now, I can tell my friends upfront, I have seen JKS! I have really seen him! My wish is fulfilled~ Haha
My perseverance since 6 am has long since exceeded my energy reserves, so am I running on supernatural energy now? I feel like I am dreaming, so tired~ but it’s worth it. I have seen JKS, and it’s worth it. Hope I am not dreaming … Thanks.
[End. Translation mine]
本來消息是中午會到的. 11點多12點的時候,出來了好多韓國人. 最記得有位漂亮的韓國MM,
她問我們在等誰. 我們說,Jangl Keun Suk. 她立馬驚訝的表情,說, Jangl Keun Suk!? 我們齊聲回答,ye~ 我看這韓國MM的表情像是不想走了,也想跟我們一起等,啊哈哈~
後來來消息說下午5點多才會到. 我簡直是一片灰暗..果斷跟一位親去M記幫鰻魚們買吃的. 在場的鰻魚都席地而坐,聊起天來. 後來我男朋友也來了. 他也算是半個鰻魚吧,他說自己是鰻魚燒飯,雖然我也不懂是啥意思. 到3點多的時候,本來我們坐著挺舒服的, 突然遠處一個尖叫(我就說不要隨便尖叫嘛….) 全部鰻魚都立馬站起來,慌張的邊找相機邊問,什麼事發生什麼事?來了麼? 2點才上的機,3點多到?難道某張搭乘的是穿梭機? 那當然還是尖叫惹的禍. 我們就開始站唄. 那個累啊.
中間有位親出來說了一些我們要注意的事情. 我認為說得很有道理. 她說,如果我們聽到了某張的飛機降落了之類的消息不要尖叫,如果保安看見我們處於瘋狂狀態,那可能就會讓男人走啥VIP通道的. 後來我們聽到降落的消息,也按捺著那激動人心的心情(那心情真是按捺得我心腦血管病都出來了),聽到尖叫就集體的”噓~”
其實本來我也不敢抱啥希望能看見某張的. 但是! 5點多的時候Jason出現了! 哈哈,那我敢打保單某張絕對在這通道出現~ 話說Jason還真逗一直在擺pose讓我們拍照還叫我們待會男人出來了,不要跟著他湧上去. 我們都很乖的回答他說好~然後我們就開始提條件,可以叫他停在那給我們拍照嗎?可以叫他走慢點嗎?之類的,哈哈,奸詐的咧.
怎麼形容他呢.以前我的朋友去追星,回來告訴我那明星真人好帥哦. 我壓根搞不懂,有啥真人不真人的~ 今天我終於明白了. 男人是那種你一眼看過去,不用找的,他就是亮點. 他簡直就是會發光發亮. 在他旁邊,啥都是路人甲. 好白,真的好白. 我想他是不是故意的,穿著一身黑衣服,顯得自己白的呀~ 我的相機不給力的給我電量不足了!!!! 可是也還是錄了一段視頻~ 他走的好慢啊,我不知道他去其他地方走路的速度是怎樣的,我只知道當時他走的那個速度一定是故意的,而且還停了一下讓我們拍照!哈哈,不就實現了剛我們提的條件了嗎? 我跟我男朋友站的是不同位置. 後來他告訴我覺得男人真的好帥,像在看電視劇一樣~ 而且他覺得男人好高,像有185,因為我男朋友穿起靴子也有180,但是男人還高他大概5公分這麼多. 他還說覺得男人好瘦好瘦,那細腿兒像女生的腿. 出來的時候對著咱微笑(我說就是嘛,看美男的時候,UEHY和美男不就是給那個笑容給迷得神魂顛倒的麼) 哈哈,本來是陪我去的,結果看了男人之後他也給電僵了~ 某張啊某張~你魅力真的無法擋啊. 以前我的朋友都說,他不是現實中的人,你見過他麼?沒見過你就不要再說他了. 現在,我可以大搖大擺的說,我見過他!我真的見過他! 我的心願已了~哈哈
6點堅持到現在,已經超越了我自己的精力,現在我用的是超能力麼? 我覺得現在的自己像在發夢,好累啊~ 但是,值了,看見他,值了!希望我不是真的在作夢….. 謝謝.
thanks for the post.. love it..
definitely im going to visit this site everyday to follow my brightest star JKS.. : )
Welcome! He is our brightest star~!
Thank you for the post! It made me smile =) Hearing about this wonderful fan account is a good start to my long and tiring day. I too, hope and pray that one day I will meet JKS in person…even just a glimpse like in this story would be enough to sustain me! LOL
hi jnt, why a long n tiring day? i hope your day gets better!
when i watch JKS videos on my mobile on the transit or subway or whatever you call it in your country, he always brings a smile to my face n i hope others don’t think me crazy!
if you’re crazy doing that.. i think me too.. hehe
‘coz i did it too.. just seeing him and hearing his songs and voice made my day complete.. 
hi! just discovered this blog… and love it (i love everything about our star :))
lovely story, lucky girl!!!
hi antonia,
welcome! we were spazzing about M3 in koala’s blog, so it’s great to see u here : )
hope u enjoy visiting!
Hi, Thank for posting this. Im also a big fan of JKS for long then but just follow his news in the internet because no time to watch TV. I’ve been knowing him since he is normal star in Korea and don’t think he will be a super star as nowadays! He’s really awesome!.
Anyway, My idea is just need you to reconsider to post every piece of all about JKS if all stories are TRUE as Im foreigner JKS’s FC. At least we will know what is going on with JKS both inside Korea and outside Korea. I love him actually. Hope you OK with this.
hi janny, no worries. if i’m touched by a fan account, i’ll make sure that u gals get to read it too!
Thanks Aphrael. Will come to see all news about JKS at your blog. ^^