[Twitter 2] JKS from Japan

Credits: Baidusukbar

Having a stroll with team members before leaving Osaka~ Ah, it’s not cold today. Following the power of Kansai to Kanto!!!! Fighting!! Bye cri
fr.日推:离开大阪之前和队员们散步~啊 今天不冷 接着关西的威力到关东!!!!加油!!bye cri(翻译:雪)

[12 Feb 2011] Osaka Day 2

Credits as tagged

The rehearsal on the 2nd day is over, and it’s about to start.

I don’t know whether tonight I can last until news of the 2nd Lounge H performance in Osaka come trickling in slowly via fans’ Twitter and Baidusukbar, because the strong cough medicine I’ve been taking for the past 2 days are making me very sleepy, despite the doctor’s assurance that the day-time medication is non-drowsy. I mean, I haven’t even taken the night-time medication yet, and I want to sleep at 9 pm, something which I haven’t done for the past 20 years or so, haha!

So here are the first few pics circulated today,

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[11 Feb 2011] Lounge H in Osaka

A beautiful poster of Lounge H, with a beautiful message on it from Jang Keun Suk:

“It has always been my hope, in a space where I can feel everyone’s proximity, to enjoy our time together. In the cherry blossoms season in Japan, I hope my wish can be fulfilled. Jang Keun Suk’s legend is just starting. Please look forward to the future me.”

Fans at Lounge H today can take home this beautiful A4-sized poster – so envious!

Lounge H has already ended, and from Sukbar’s online broadcast gathered from fans’ Twitter, it seemed to be a wild, wet event… … wet on account of the alcohol being sprayed around, and with JKS and Kurt dancing their hot dance, drenched in alcohol. JKS also pulled his manager Kim and another fellow worker on stage to join their dance and during the encore, took off his shirt and splashed himself with water/wine(?). Frankly speaking, if everything goes well and I’m able to get my hands on a LH ticket for the Singapore event, I’m not sure whether my heart can take it! Too ‘hot’ for me!

JKS shared that he had finished his new album’s song recording last week, and he sang a small part of it at Lounge H. One new song in his album is

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[Twitter 1] JKS from Japan

JKS Japanese Twitter update:
(credits: Baidusukbar)

Haha, I like this place. BB (Big Brother Kurt), since you’ve forgotten to bring your passport and can’t come here, take a good look!

哈哈,我喜欢这里,忘了带护照来的BB 好好看清楚啦

[10 Feb 2011] JKS @ Kansas Airport in Japan

Credits: mihodog @ Youku

Jang Keun Suk departed Korea at 5:40pm via Asiana Airlines OZ1145, arriving at 7:20pm local time at Kansai Airport, Japan for his Lounge H Japan tour. Some 50 fans were at the airport waiting to greet him, and JKS is as cute and friendly as ever.

Credits: Baidusukbar

More pics,

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[News] JKS hosting 2nd Seoul Culture & Arts Awards ceremony

If news is correct, Jang Keun Suk is hosting the 2nd Seoul Culture & Arts Awards ceremony.

Time: Monday 28 Feb 2011, 7.30 pm
Venue: Olympics Park Gymnastics Hall
Hosts: 김병찬, 이다햬, 장근석 Jang Keun Suk

Objective of event:
– A free nation-wide cultural programme in aid of disadvantaged groups in society
– To develop Korean popular arts and culture towards a culturally strong country

It seems that this programme organiser, the director of Seoul Culture & Arts Association, Cui Lan, is also the Vice Principal of Hanyang Combined Arts School, and seems to have contacts with JKS.

Credits: Baidusukbar

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"You're my Pet" Momo-Comic version Part 1

Credits: khuekyu

Having watched this video without any prior knowledge of “You’re My Pet”, I can easily imagine Jang Keun Suk fitting the role of Momo to the T… …. he’s so cute!

As for whether there’s a Part 2, let’s wait for the uploader to release!

[News] JKS on model contract with Japanese agency

—- Brief article summary —-

Jang Keun Suk has signed a model contract with a Japanese agency. His popularity is rising meteorically. With the advertisements he has shot in China and Thailand, this has made Japan the third in a row.

JKS will fly to Japan on 10 Feb 2011 and work there for 10 days before returning to Korea on 20 Feb. He will be back in Japan again in March, and his Showcase is scheduled on 27 March with an expected attendance of 15,000 people.

—- End —-

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JKS tricked by KJW and MGY

Cr as tagged

—- News article translation —-

Kim Jae Wook (KJW), who has participated in the filming of “Marry me Mary”, came to Japan for his fans meeting.

At his press conference held on 28 Jan 2011, KJW shared some behind-the-scenes stories during the drama filming.

KJW said, “Together with Moon Geun Young (MGY), we played a prank on Jang Keun Suk (JKS)”.

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