It’s count-down time: 21 days until we see Jang Keun Suk in Singapore * happy happy *
And today is the first collection of the autograph and photo-taking passes.
The autograph pass is the rectangular-shaped fan and the other design is the photo-taking pass; we get to keep that as a souvenir.
I’m past the stage of bashing-my-head-against-the-wall for not being able to get the autograph pass, but there is still a lingering regret that I’m not able to get closer to JKS during the autograph session : (
Am consoling myself that at least I’ll get to see him at the fan-meeting, I’m super sure that will be the happiest 2 hours in my life ^^
For more pics,
ooOoh It’s so near loool i’m excited and I’m not even going!!! I can’t believe you’re gonna be somewhere near our star!! I love the shape and the pictures on of both passes, so cool!
I’m puzzled, I know you explained before (but I forgot ;))the photo pass is to take picture with him? So you’re going to be near him???
haha… thanks for being excited, for me …. ^^
well, yes, I’m going to be near him for 5 to 10 seconds on stage while each group of 30 fans gets ready their position to pose for group photo-taking ….
it feels like taking a class photo – 30 in a group! I won’t be able to see my own face clearly, it’s going to come out small in such a big group photo!
i can’t even imagine 30 fans crowding on stage with JKS … do u think we’ll all rush at him on stage, or stare at him instead of getting into position? LOL
maybe i can’t even get within 2 metres of him …. but I’ll take my chance to stare at him….haha~
think the happiest fans will be those who manage to stand next to him (gasp!) … but one thing I will not do, is to stand next to JKS when taking a photo …. i don’t think i’ll good beside the beautiful JKS, haha~ not to mention i hate being photographed. the only reason I got the photo pass is to have a chance to ogle at JKS at a closer distance …..
OMG!!! So maybe you still have a chance to be next to him on the picture???!!! Lol, I don’t know how you should react haha I don’t know how I would react, maybe I’ll go crazy and just get the chance to touch him even him they throw me outside hahahahaha…
I love this pass, I will collect mine tmw……
And I am looking forward to his coming FM, definitely is precious time for me.
I know the news too late to get the tickets T_______T i will only be going to the airport to catch him, if I can :(( do you know which day he will be coming?
You can follow Colored Rhythms on Facebook – they will release his flight arrival details in due course…
again, I say, his FM tickets are still available, and i think it’ll be absolutely worthwhile to buy one and see him in person live, rather than not see him at all.
Also, just think about all the songs he would be singing!! ^^
very good! lovely lovely
About the photograph session? I think 30 in a group is too huge, why not make it 5. At least can see him and the fans faces, then worth while. Is true really like taking school class photo. Is worst still if the photograher only take a shot………….. some with eyes closed !! OMG really spoilt the photo.
If 30 in a group means our JGS will only need to take 3-4 shots session, then end of the photo session?? Another issue, how to get close to him during the photo session….. If he is next to me, I think I will ask him to allow me to hold his hand for the photo talking. Definitely I will exactly be like Go Mi Nam with the fireworks exploding on my head and mind….. WOW! Just imagine that… will faint.
wow aphrael.. the FM in Singapore is getting nearer.. i’m excited for you!!!

definitely i’m going to read your report to us about your encounter with JKS..