[24 Feb 2011] Codes Combine Autograph Session

Well, we may not be there at Jang Keun Suk’s 1-hour autograph session in Hongdae, Seoul today, but the electric atmostphere can almost be felt through these lovely pics. The media cameras must have had flashed non-stop, thus providing us with so many pics of JKS from almost every angle and in almost every pose. The media had a fun time, though I almost went crazy uploading 92 pics into WordPress blog…. ugh … an utterly unpleasant and tedious chore that is only alleviated by sweet, sweet JKS gazing at me from every pic… drooling …

As the representative of the clothing line Codes Combine, what JKS wore is naturally of great interest to me. As mentioned before, my fashion sense is really lousy, so don’t quote me anywhere! I won’t admit I said that, haha…. Anyway, I think his attire is quite cool (cos of the black leather vest jacket), youthful (that’s the bright green pants) and at the same time, funky (that strange pic on his back)… haha… How does that sound?

Enjoy the deluge of pics!! And wait patiently for the page to load fully, ha!
For more pics,

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[Official News] Jang Keun Suk Fan Meeting in Singapore – Schedule & Ticketing information

Event Schedule

The 2011 Jang Keun Suk Fan Meeting in Singapore weekend will happen over 22 & 23 Apr and consists of 3 key events:

Autograph Session
Photo-taking Session
Fan Meeting


Meet Jang Keun Suk up close one-to-one and get his personal autograph!

Date: 22 Apr, Fri
Time: 7.00 pm
Venue: Marina Square Atrium


Have the opportunity to stand on the same stage as Jang Keun Suk and crystallize the moment in a photograph!

Date: 22 Apr, Fri
Time: Estimated 8.00 pm (Will happen directly after the autograph session)
Venue: Marina Square Atrium


The highlight of the weekend! Get ready to be electrified and mesmerized by Jang Keun Suk!
Back in Singapore by popular demand, the 24-year-old actor of hit dramas ‘You’re Beautiful’ and ‘Mary Stayed Out All Night’ is a combination of good looks, humorous disposition and skilful acting blessed with the magical ability to rock the stage with highly engaging performances.

Having sung for the soundtracks of his recent drama projects, the actor-singer-dancer-model and DJ has received much recognition for his vocal talents. Attendees of his previous events have also been known to leave with nothing but praise for Jang Keun Suk’s dedicated performance. The star’s trademark humour and sincere fan service will make this an evening hard to forget.

Date: 23 Apr, Sat
Time: 7.30 pm. Doors open at 7.00 pm
Duration: Approx. 100 mins
Venue: University Cultural Centre Hall

Ticketing Information

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[Update] 2011 Jang Keun Suk Asia Tour dates

After some anxiety among Malaysia and Taiwan eels, the dates for both countries have been confirmed according to JKS’ schedule on www.jangkeunsuk.co.kr.

There is no change to the other dates. I hope to go to the Malaysia FM too!

23 April – Singapore
30 April – Hong Kong
28 May – Thailand
5 June – Malaysia
25 June – Taiwan
9 July – Shanghai

I ♥ Jang Keun Suk (장근석) – 장근석닷넷

Updated 23 Feb:
For English translation of Korean videoletter, please click “Continue reading” to view the post in full.
Translation credits: 소풍sopoong

Credits: pogny93 @ Youtube & JangKeunSuk.net

It is a very, very beautiful video and watching it brings tears to my eyes.

“I love Jang Keun Suk”

The message is simple. When one person says it, when two people say it, when hundreds and thousands of eels across the world say it, I believe in the uplifting power and love it brings to all of us and to our beloved JKS.

The message is simple, yet the video captures so many different ways of saying it, in such creative ways, drawing on all the little things in our lives that we may not have noticed otherwise… We can show our love for JKS, in our own ways and in our own lives!

The message is simple, but we say it from our hearts, loud and clear – Jang Keun Suk, we love you!!

To every single eel out there,

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2010 Asia Tour – Part 1

Credits: coooxxxx @ Youtube

Ok, I’ve probably done something illegal by posting this video here ….
Have you all seen this video before?

I’ve seen short excerpts of it here and there in some FM Youtube clips, but this is the first time I’ve seen the complete video (and it comes in Part 1 to 10 – you all know how to get Part 2 to 10 already, right? I didn’t tell you anything you didn’t know, right?). This must have been taken from some DVD …. If you all have seen it before, then I won’t feel so bad i.e. that means I’m not taking the lead in law-breaking, so surely I’ll get a lighter sentence?

Ahead of Jang Keun Suk’s 2011 Asia Tour, the 2010 Asia Tour is old news already.
So before all of us get caught up in the whirlwind excitement of his fan-meetings this year, perhaps now is an opportune time to look at all the interesting behind-the-scenes of the 2010 Asia Tour.

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[Twitter] From JKS Japan official twitter

JKS: Now I’m back in Korea. Eels, how are you all? See you at next month’s event! I need to go on a diet again for my DVD and photograph book!

Credits: Suk Baidu Bar


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