Credits: asd86714102 @ Suk Baidu Bar
Jang Keun Suk – super talented actor with amazing versatility ….
With a change in hairstyle, attire, facial expressions, he conveys vastly different images.
I can never get tired looking at him …. ^^
#WelcomebackJKS "Our new journey started on May 29th, 2020"
Agree and his smile really make warm our heart :)…
Love his EYES !!
Agree, agree, agree 1000%!!!
he even wanna die with script in his hand …hmm REAL ACTOR
his smile ~
totally make me melt >.<
eun ho, chang hwi, tae kyung, mu gyul and his other characters are totally different, yet they all are gorgeous…..i’m addicted to him…..otoke….(T _ T)
Stay happily addicted! ^^
The very first pic is the reason I’m here everyday lol those eyes *sigh* but then I look at his smile in the pic just under and I die!!!
ya, just look at the range of emotions he’s conveying in the 1st pic, tears in his eyes and trying to hold back his feelings …. love his acting ….
the smile in the pic below that is just …. too cute!!
any upcoming drama for JKS? i just happened to start watching his dramas and films and i can’t get enough of it..he’s so talented and so charming..