[Fan-made MV 1] Collections of ‘Beautiful Man’ Dokgo Mate’s habit of saying “일이니 (yi li ni)?”

Did you already notice Dokgo Mate’s habit of saying “일이니(yi li ni)?” Many eels started to use this funnily, putting at the end of any sentences. And an eel made the collection MVs! It’s hard to explain the meaning, but I will try. According to Koreans, this expression is used between close friends or for little kids. Mate uses this when he sees or hears unexpected or irritating situations. He says this “일이니(yi li ni)?” in response to such situations. It means something like, “Ha! That’s silly! (What the heck?)” In ZIKZIN Raido part 5, an eel asked about this “일이니(yi li ni)?” and Jang Keun Suk revealed that this was originally used by him. He used it ad-lib on the BM shooting set. Hearing the phrase, the director liked it, and now it’s officially(Lol) become Mate’s typical phrase. Needless to say, it’s also very popular in eels’ world : )

Credits: 티나

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[article] ‘The Pretty Man’ what kind of outfit does Jang Keun Suk wear?..Dazzling Fashionista ‘Showing his dignity’

Original source: star naver
[OSEN=Yoon Gai] In KBS drama ‘The Pretty Man’ that airs every Wednesdays and Thursdays, Jang Keun Suk have been proving the dignity of a pretty man with ‘Matte look’, which made it hard to take eyes off from it only after the 4th episode of the drama.

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[News] ‘Beautiful Man (Bel Ami)’ collaborative lip sticks with ‘OLIVE YOUNG’

Credits: http://media.daum.net/culture/fashion/newsview?newsid=20131202084705132

On December 1st, ‘Beautiful Man 45° LIP LACQUER by P.DIRECTION’ was released at ‘OLIVE YOUNG’ stores throughout the country. This is a collaborative item with Pi Hyun Jeong, Beauty Director. It was planned to make the majority of Korean ‘normal’ girls look the most attractive like the concept of drama ‘Beautiful Man’. And it was designed with a new concept that ’45° is the key to make the most beautiful lips’.

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