[Blog Notice] Welcome to new contributor of JKS Forever Blog

Dear friends,

If you’ve noticed the author line below the post heading, the post “JKS 2012 Official Calendar Pics” below has been posted by the new contributor of JKS Forever Blog, and she is none other than … … * drum-roll *…. dear tenshi_akuma~!!!

Yay!!! I’m very happy and grateful to her for agreeing to contribute posts on JKS news (um, saving me some work ^^), and more importantly, providing more JKS news to all of us. What’s more, as our special Japan correspondent, we can also look forward to more JKS news and a unique fan perspective from Japan, something which she has always been generous in sharing with us. Thank you, tenshi dear!

As news, tweets, events and pics of our World Star explode over time, this Blog team would gradually expand to include contributors other than myself. We have only one objective: to continue to bring JKS news to eels worldwide so that eels will understand JKS more and continue supporting him. Hope that you enjoy visiting!


[01.10.2011] Tree-J twitter

Shared by Sukbar

Cold weekend, are eels fine. During filming break, actor Jang is also checking the footage that he has filmed, hope eels have a happy weekend ^^