[09.08.2011] Tree-J twitter


Tree-J twitter:

Mens’ Nonno is finally out!!! If eels snap up Mens’ Nonno with JKS on the cover until the magazine runs out of stock, actor Jang will dance the shuffle dance in front of Seoul station! Eels, charge! ~!

张根硕贴吧官方微博:【110809TREE-J推特更新】(翻译:颖)终于出来了mens’ nonno!!!咚咚!!要是鳗鱼们买完根硕君封面的mens’ nonno ,张演员就到首尔站跳shuffle!鳗鱼们冲啊!~!

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[09.08.2011] Jap twitter


From Jap twitter:

Today is a hot day. From the Prince to eels, please eat


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