[07.08.2011] Cri Show in Seoul

Video credits: rika1971325
Pic credits: as tagged
Special thanks to Farina for sharing the video links too!


For more videos / pics,




Fireworks at the start

JKS life-sized doll











Celebrating his birthday





So cool!


33 thoughts on “[07.08.2011] Cri Show in Seoul”

    • I agree ^_^ suk has always struck me as having a weird fashion sense. Anyway I never liked him for what he wears or how he looks I love him the way he is and I think in a way it adds to his charm ^_^

      • Cri-J, super agree with you…. me too!! I like him the way he is. His talents, his heart and his soul that make me cannot get away from him. It doesn’t matter or bother me at all of what he is wearing. Heโ€™s always cute and handsome to me.

        Sad to say that some people don’t like him just because he looks beautiful like a girl. Iโ€™m only feel pity for them– their lost not knowing a funny and sincere loving person like our Prince Sukkie.

      • Me too! I’m really impressed and drawn to Suk for his caring, frank abd down-to-earth character. His looks sometimes appear to be too feminine for me. But it doesn’t matter because I like his personality. I have been a hot-shot all my life and regret being that way. I’ve been trying to change my ways. So when I see a celebrity not being a hot shot, I really respect them. ๐Ÿ™‚

  1. hello …sukkie….super belated happy bday to you!!!!its kinda late……too busy in the work…by the way we have the same month of bday…my bday today….god bless you and me….take care always….em

  2. Aphrael, i just read about SUK 100 + 1 Q&A on MEN’S NON’NO Magz.. very interesting,but im not sure if i allowed to share in your blog, one of verry interesting to me is question;Let us know the trick of your charming smile.. SUK answer ; look into the other person’s eyes before smiling.. ^O^ Aphrael hope you can post this article soon as possible.. ๐Ÿ™‚ THANKS

    • Cherry.. I think that kind of smiles & trick only work on Sukkie.. I think if another man does the same, before he smiles, the other party may think that he is staring hard or rude …LOL.. I guess Sukkie has a smiling eyes & angel or cupid smiles, that is his unique features ^_^

      • You are right QQ.. today i tried SUK tip of course it doesnt work LOL..in fact my best friend said my face become weird… ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Hi girls, I have a latest report about the shooting of YMP today!

    I posted my worst scenario, my imaginary nightmare this afternoon, which occured from my stupid pessimistic idea…
    But luckily my extreme worries about Sukkie turned out to be mere fancies! Today I received a reply of inquiry from JKS Japan Official Fan Club, and it said that the shooting of YMP haven’t been finished yet. I was so relieved to read the news. That means my worst scenario that the shooting had been over without the announcement turned out to be wrong at least right now. But still the staff of JKS fan club didn’t know whether the shooting in Ibaraki will be conducted or not.

    Anyway, I’ll wait for the correct information about the shooting schedule patiently! ๐Ÿ™‚
    At long last, I can sleep well tonight^^

    • Kaori-chan, don’t worry.. I also hope Sukkie can visit your hometown Ibaraki as and to tell you the truth, I actually been to Sendai many years back & I was quite devastated when I saw the tsunami sweeping many places I have been to even though I’m not a residence there, I believe Sukkie will have the same feeling regarding Ibaraki as he has fond memories there during YMP press conference.. I still remember the vids which he mentioned he wanted to promote the tourism there.. I was then thinking of visiting Ibaraki too ^_^

      • Thanks QQ ^^ Ibaraki has many beautiful spots ,so it is very famous for the shooting films and dramas. I moved to Ibaraki about 1 and half year ago. I work at the center of Tokyo, but the public transportation facilities are advanced in Japan, so easy to commute. I hope some day Sukkie will visit Ibaraki not only for YMP but for his private trip ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Yeah, I watched her saying! She confessed her love to Sukkie seriously. In Japan Sukkie is said to be loved by 3 generations (daughter, mother and grand mother)!! That means all Japanese women are Mero-Mero to him! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Tenshi, i need your confirmation about this: (Fr PJ) Men’s NON NO got no.1 sales in men’s fashion magazine category of amazon bestsellers rank today!.. i read from one of eel twitter.. the link is bellow
      credit to Shiro401..
      Tenshi forgive me always make you occupied..THANKS ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Cherry, Men’s non-no has been on sale since yesterday and most of eels and usual subscriber (I mean guys) buy it at bookstore, not at online shopping such as amazon. So the final sales result will be proven a month later. As you know, an-an has sold over 280 thousand copies. Keep praying for being sold out ^^

  4. Hi Farina,
    Thank you for the links, I like video no 3. My all time favorite for Suk’s performance is Active Volcano at 2010 Seoul concert. He was very playful and cute then. You can search YT postings by khuekyu or EelsRo. He is still cute now, but showed a lot of maturity in his performance. Great improvement for him!

    • Hi Spicy

      You’re most welcome. There’s just too many favorites vids of Suk that I can even choose one ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the recommendation. I’ll look it up ๐Ÿ™‚

      Ps: Aphrael must be very busy…haven’t heard from her for more than 24 hrs; hope she’s ok…

  5. Gals.. i want share this…EELS,attention please!According to some news,maybe on the vote of BEST ACTOR on FACEBOOK,those which voted by Korean fans will be ignored,so we need your help!!Please spread the news to the eels in your country.The most important thing is that PYC fans are calling Japanese fans to vote.Let’s fight together!

  6. I remembered one Jap mag interview, he said he has always heard that he is the type of guy that the Japanese like and jokingly asked why he is still not Bae Yong Joon ( well known and popular ). I think when he gave this interview, he definitely did not expect himself to be compared to Bae Yong Joon months later.

    I am glad he is popular in Japan because i think Koreans will start to take note of him with his success in Japan. Even if you are successful in Asia, they may/may not pay attention to you. But once you are popular in Japan, people definitely see you in a different light. Too bad i don’t live in Korea, Japan or Taiwan. I really hope to have more chances to see him.

  7. Hi gals, remember to submit your personal profile for the โ€œPROJECTโ€ ASAP for our compilation !!
    Fighting eels ! Very simple just spend a few minutes to complete your profiles and personal messages to JKS and send to the email address given (do you want him to read your message ?) hahaha

    We really hope the numbers of submission and participation will be as high as possible to show our support to Sukkie & to give him confidence that he will be The Prince of World instead of only Asia !!!

  8. Apprael, looking at these photos makes me miss the Seoul show so so much. I havent have chance to see the video link but I am sure it will be great! I have just arrived Malaysia this morning… Will submit for my entry for the projects before the dateline yeah. I miss Seoul and I really love the Seoul Cri show. Yup, his stripey shirt is a bit glaring to me, but doesnt matter. I love him just the way he is ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Aphrael, this may be late but I have e-mailed my FA to you yesterday. Sorry for being late but I really wanted to share the great Sukkie event with all of you ๐Ÿ™‚


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