At Budokan, 13,000 people! With @AsiaPrince_JKS @bigbrothersound ^^
무도관 13000명! With @AsiaPrince_JKS @bigbrothersound ^^
[23.05.2013] AsiaPrince_JKS Twitter
[20.05.2013] AsiaPrince_JKS Twitter
Today’s lunch
Hayashi rice (Japanese-style hashed beef with rice)!!
tenshi_akuma’s note: This meal is served here. Restaurant Azuka in Ginza
[19.05.2013] AsiaPrince_JKS Twitter
[18.05.2013] AsiaPrince_JKS Twitter
[17.05.2013] @prhyme79 twitter
[16.05.2013] AsiaPrince_JKS Twitter
Jaejoong: Yo~~ Red Bull arrived!!!!
JKS: Please.
Prhyme: Really fast. k We’re gathering, then texting. Is it necessary or not to meet up? k
JKS: Lose your mobile phone again.
“@prhyme79: “@AsiaPrince_JKS: “@bornfreeonekiss: Yo~~레드불이 도착했다!!!! pic.twitter.com/WUYWGcatuv”ㅡ역시 해주세요”진짜빠르다 ㅋ 우리 모여서 핸펀쳐다보긔있긔없긔? ㅋ”ㅡ또 저나기 잃어버려라
[15.05.2013] AsiaPrince_JKS Twitter
My mom came over to my house after she had a big fight with my Dad. Then she really got drunk. I had to make radish soup (Korean style soup) for my mother who’s suffering from a hangover… The battle between MSG [monosodium glutamate] (mother’s style) vs. dried sardines broth (son’s style)!!
어젯밤 아버지랑 한 판 붙으시고 아들집에오셔서 보통 아니게 술 드시고 숙취에 괴로워 하시는 어머니를 위해 무국을 끓여야 했던 상황… 엄마스타일의 미원과 아들스타일의 멸치다시육수의 한판 전쟁!!!!!
[14.05.2013] AsiaPrince_JKS Twitter
Today at 6 pm Team H- Beautiful change MV is suddenly going to open!! Eels all over the world, get ready to GO!!
오늘 오후 6시 Team H- Beautiful change뮤직비디오 전격오픈!! 전세계 장어들아 출격준비!!
jksjapan: [translation] Today at 6 pm Team H- Beautiful change MV is suddenly going to open!! Eels all over the world, get ready to GO!!
→ Fast translation~(^з^)v♪
JKS: It’s your work, Matsuyama..
“@jksjapan: @AsiaPrince_JKS JKS(訳):今日午後6時Team H- Beautiful changeミュージックビデオ電撃オープン!!世界中のウナギ達よ、出撃準備!!
→ はやいし~(^з^)v♪”ㅡそれがおまえのしごとし。まつやま。。