[26.12.2013] Tree-J twitter

[2014 CRI-J 5th Fan Meeting – The proposal of Jang Keun Suk] We’ll invite CRI-J 5th members to the first official fan meeting in 4 years. Date: Feburuary 8th, 2014. at 18:00 stage only. Venue: at Olympic Hall in Olympic Park. For more information, see the official website.
[2014 크리제이 5기 팬미팅-장근석의 프로포즈] 4년만의 공식 팬미팅에 크리제이 5기 회원여러분을 초대합니다. 일시: 2014년 2월 8일 18시 1회공연 장소: 올림픽공원 올림픽홀 자세한 내용은 공식홈페이지 참조

[CRI-J 5th additional recruitment] Those who missed the registration, the additional recruitment is scheduled on or after the second week of January, after the broadcasting of ‘Beautiful Man’ is over. Don’t miss your last chance ~^^
[크리제이5기 추가모집] 가입 놓치신 분들 예쁜남자 방송이 끝난 1월 둘째주 이후에 추가모집이 있을 예정입니다. 마지막 기회 놓치지 마세요~^^

[25.12.2013] CRI-J staff twitter

[Beautiful Man] Today’s lunch snack car including meals was sponsored by ‘Beautiful homebred eels of Beautiful man Mate’!
[예쁜남자] 오늘 점심은 ‘예쁜남자 마테의 예쁜국산 장어들’에서 밥포함 간식차를 서포트하였습니다!

[Beautiful Man Support] Tonight meal car (Samgyeopsal, Seolleongtang & buffet) was sponsored by ‘Suni & eels & JKS ♥ we’ll convey eels’ love that we’re looking at only Mate’!
[예쁜남자서포트] 오늘 저녁은 ‘ 수니와 장어와 JKS ♥ 마테만 바라보는 장어의 사랑을 전합니다’에서 밥차(삼겹살 설렁탕&부페)를 서포트하였습니다!

[22.12.2013] Tree-J twitter

[ZIKZIN Radio] After a long interval, we’re going to record ZIKZIN Radio ^^ The theme of part 5 is “how to relieve a hangover”. Your own way to ease your hangover. Please send the related episode soon using hash tag #jks_zikzin_radio.
[ZIKZIN Radio] 오랜만에 직진라디오 녹음입니다^^ 제 5부 주제 “해장”. 자신만의 해장법. 관련 에피소드들을 지금 바로 해쉬태그 #jks_zikzin_radio 로 보내주세요

tenshi_akuma’s note: I’m afraid this is for part 6, not part 5. And JKS asked already about the same topic on his official Facebook. You can write the episode there, too ^^ Access from HERE.

JKS: As it’s getting dark and hard to film, we’ll do it later.
“@treeJ_company: [ZIKZIN Radio] 오랜만에 직진라디오 녹음입니다^^ 제 5부 주제 “해장”. 자신만의 해장법. 관련 에피소드들을 지금 바로 해쉬태그 #jks_zikzin_radio” 어두워져서 카메라 노출 안나와 나중에 하는걸로

[ZIKZIN Radio] Real-time ZIKZIN Radio. Because of the present condition on site, it’s impossible to record. When it restarts the recording, see you then~ ^^;
[ZIKZIN Radio] 실시간으로 함께 하는 직진라디오. 지금 현장 상황으로 녹음이 불가합니다. 다시 녹음이 재개되면 그때 만나요~^^;

[21.12.2013] CRI-J staff twitter

[Beautiful Man support] Today’s lunch, catering car (pork bone soup) was sponsored by ‘JKS drama support Z’ for all the shooting staff!
[예쁜남자서포트] 오늘 점심은 JKSドラマサポートZ (JKS드라마서포트Z)에서 촬영 전 스텝 밥차(뼈해장국)를 서포트하였습니다!

[Beautiful Man support] Today’s supper, catering car (Galbi Soup) and coffee & tea were sponsored by ‘TEF(The Eels Family) & ECNA(Eels Club North America)’ before the shooting!
[예쁜남자서포트] 오늘 저녁은 ‘TEF & ECNA’에서 촬영 전 스텝 밥차(갈비탕)와 커피차를 서포트하였습니다!

[Pretty Man Support] TEF & ECNA sent dinner(Galbi soup) & coffee car to the shooting location tonight.
tenshi_akuma’s note: They tweeted in English! Yay!

[20.12.2013] CRI-J twitter

[Beautiful Man support] Today’s lunch was sponsored by ‘LOVE JKS-TEAM 絆(kizuna)’. Sweets and cakes for Actor Jang and Samgyetang for all the shooting staff!
[예쁜남자서포트] 오늘 점심은 ‘LOVE JKS-TEAM絆’ 에서 촬영 전 스텝 삼계탕과 장배우님 간식& 케잌을 서포트하였습니다!

[Beautiful Man support] For Today’s supper, snack car was sponsored by ‘Keun-chan commu’!
[예쁜남자서포트] 오늘 저녁은 ‘근짱코뮤’에서 간식차를 서포트하였습니다!

[15.12.2013] CRI-J staff twitter

[Beautiful Man support] Last night catering service was sponsored by AW ‘s (Angel Wing Sister’s) for all the shooting staff!
[예쁜남자서포트] 어제 저녁은 AW ‘s (Angel Wing Sister ‘s)에서 촬영 현장 전 스텝 밥차를 서포트하였습니다!

[Beautiful Man support] For today’s lunch, catering service was sponsored by KEUN CHAN COMMU for all the shooting staff!
[예쁜남자서포트] 오늘 점심은 ‘근짱코뮤'(KEUN CHAN COMMU)에서 촬영 현장 전 스텝 밥차 서포트합니다!