[2014-10-28] CRI-J staff twitter


[Directions to apply for CRI-J 6th oversea membership] *Only your passport name written in English is acceptable. *If you apply for the membership goods additionally, you need to write your address in English correctly as well.
[Cri J6期海外会員申込みの時注意事項] ※お名前は必ずパスポート上の英語のみ可能 ※グッズ配送申込みの会員は住所に英語で正確に書いて下さい.

[Directions to apply for CRI-J 6th oversea membership] *About ID, only alpha-numeric characters are acceptable. *About nickname, only alpha-numeric characters and Hangul are acceptable. (You can’t use Japanese or Chinese characters.) *If you apply for the membership goods additionally, you need to write your address in English correctly as well.
[Cri J6期海外会員申込む時注意事項] ※IDは英語と数字のみ可能 ※ニックネームは英語,数字,ハングルのみ可能(日本語,漢字は不可) ※グッズ配送を申込むウナギさんは住所を英語で正確に書き込んで下さい.

[2014-10-21] CRI-J staff twitter


[CRI-J 6th admission] How to apply for CRI-J 6th membership! Don’t forget to apply with your own name! We will compare your information of your passport and photo with your actual face at events held in Korea. If there is a difference, you can’t enter the event or get the souvenir. Please register your name in English, the same as the one written in your passport. And your nickname should be filled in with alpha-numeric characters, too. You can’t use Chinese characters.
[CriJ6期入会]29日始まるCriJ6期入会申請! 必ずご本人の名前で申込んで下さい! 韓国イベントの時、パスポートと顔対照で顔違いの場合、入場不可、記念品貰えない、払い戻し不可です.必ずお名前はパスポートと同一な英語でニックネームも英語と数字で入力して下さい.(漢字不可)

[2014-10-13] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

TYPEn… www

Oh, well… TYPHon. -_-

tenshi_akuma’s note: He tried to tweet ‘typhoon’ in Japanese. Actually the correct Japanese of typhoon is たいふう, but we Japanese eels love to see his such a cute creative word ^^ His scheduled flight was cancelled because the plane that he would board didn’t arrive at Fukuoka airport and went back to Seoul because of the typhoon. Anyway, he’s now safe. Eels are relieved. 😉

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[2014-10-12] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

イロケ(이렇게) = こんなに(Like this)

tenshi_akuma’s note: Jang Keun Suk said a lot this Korean (이렇게) in today’s TEAM H stage. So he tried to explain it to Japanese eels. It’s funny but we have homonym イロケ(이렇게) in Japanese. イロケ [Iroke] means 色気 (sexiness) in Japanese. That’s why many non-Japanese eels were confused when they used Google trans to understand his tweet. “Was he talking about sexiness? sex appeal??” Lol.

[fan-made] #TEAMHに愛を叫ぶぅ ♡うなぎが愛を叫ぶぅ2014 (#EelsShoutLoveAtTEAMH)

This year as well, Fukuoka eels planned a heart-warming project for 2014 TEAM H tour in Fukuoka. Last year they made ‘JKS’ using something around them, and this time they made ‘TEAM H (TH etc.)’ and tweeted using hash tag #TEAMHに愛をさけぶぅ
Please check their latest works at TEAM Hに愛を叫ぶぅ♡うなぎが愛を叫ぶぅ2014 special index page. I hope they made the compliation video this year, too.

For reference:
This is the link of last year, [fan-made 1] #うなぎが愛を叫ぶぅ (#Eels shout love at JKS!).
And the compilation of the video, [fan-made 3] #うなぎが愛を叫ぶぅ (#Eels shout love at JKS!).
Unfortunately, the videos shared in [fan-made 2] #うなぎが愛を叫ぶぅ (#Eels shout love at JKS!) is no more available, but I’m sure the final one includes them all 😉