[2014-10-10] Tree-J twitter
We’re proud of CRI-J! You’re so great! http://m.news.naver.com/read.nhn?mode=LSD&sid1=001&oid=117&aid=0002521228
자랑스러운 크리제이! 역시 멋있습니다! http://m.news.naver.com/read.nhn?mode=LSD&sid1=001&oid=117&aid=0002521228
[2014-10-09] CRI-J staff twitter
I’m really proud of them and happy that I’m one of his eels! 🙂
Hi cri~ Today is the day that we attend at Korean National Sharing Grand Award Ceremony. Do you know Jang Keun Suk official fan club was selected to be awarded? Today the ceremony will be broadcast live at 17:40 on KBS1. Will you join us?
하크~ 오늘은 대한민국 나눔대상 시상식이 있는 날입니다.장근석 공식팬클럽이 수상자로 선정되었단 거는 알고 계시죠? 오늘 5시40분 KBS1에서 생방송으로 진행됩니다.함께 하실거죠?
[2014-10-03] @BandToXic twitter
TEAM H Party in Nagoya!!
We had a great time together!!
Then as ToXic!!
See you soon !^^
#teamh #ToXic #JangKeunSuk #bigbrother #KimJungWoo
TEAM H Party in Nagoya!!
함께 해서 즐거웠어요!!
이제는 톡식으로!!
곧 만나요!^^
#teamh #톡식 #장근석 #bigbrother #김정우
tenshi_akuma’s note: He’s a member of rock band ‘ToXic’, Kim Jung Woo. He joined TEAM H album and tour as a guitarist.
[2014-10-03] Tree-J twitter
Because of the release of ‘Beautiful Man (Bel Ami)’ DVD and Jang Keun Suk T-card, we heard TSUTAYA shops throughout Japan are full of a festive atmosphere. Actor Jang who can’t help but being curious suddenly visited one of TSUTAYA shops in Nagoya.
예쁜남자 DVD 발매와 장근석 T-card 발매로 일본 전국 츠타야 매장은 축제분위기라지요? 궁금한걸 못참는 장배우가 나고야 츠타야에 깜짝 방문했습니다.
[2014-10-02] @Galssam2 twitter
The 1st tour Nagoya concert finished! The enthusiasm of Nagoya audience was great! I really enjoyed the stage, feeling a sense of unity~! ^0^ Well… I got drunk…
첫투어 나고야콘서트 끝!!
나고야분들 열정 최고!!
다같이 하나된 공연 너무 즐거웠습니다~! ^0^
아… 취해…. ㅠ
#장근석 #BB #TeamH #위더스##이지엔 #위지엔
tenshi_akuma’s note: During the TEAM H stage, he lost a game at the backstage, and had to drink 2 glasses of strong liquor. So he got drunk.
[2014-10-01] jksjapan twitter
[2014-10-01] Tree-J twitter
TEAM H tour. The prelude. The first day of Nagoya performance ended successfully.
팀에이치투어. 그 서막. 나고야 1회공연이 무사히 끝났습니다.#장근석
A reply from Jang Keun Suk:
The overall rating of today’s performance is… hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
@AsiaPrince_JKS: @treeJ_company 오늘 공연의 총평은 hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha