20:28 After deep deliberation, I decided Saitama attack plan, couples.. Bring your boyfriend to the venue each day. kk
아다마 굴려본 결과 사이타마 어택은 커플로 결정..
남자친구들 하나씩 데려와봐 ㅋㅋ
16 thoughts on “[2014-10-28] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter”
Can ia ask sis tenshi regarding the schedule of saitama? thanks
Sukkie is so creative, cute and funny. Love the picture. I don´t think many girls takes their boyfriends to Team H concerts. It will be like that time when Sukkie and LJW tried to find a beautiful man on the Bel Ami Summer Festival. LOL
Just 3 more days. How I wish I could be there! Hope you will be there Tenshi, and write about that.
Thanks for the photos, if I lived there I would be at all the events. I am a cancer survivor, and I have pain everyday. When I do my pain management, I listen to JKS music.l grew up around many great music artists here in America, but not once has someone’s voice made my soul tremble with emotions, like JKS. He is to me angel that gives me courage to keep fighting for the chance to see him perform live at least once. To me he is such a wonderful inspiration.
Dear Angie Duffin: May God bless you always trough hard moments. Yes Sukkie helped me too when I had my moments of deep stress and depression, just looking at his eyes, listening to his laughter and watching him sing, gave me the strength to continue with life. I am pretty sure that God has his angels on earth to help and give happiness to people, Jang Keun Suk is one or them, because there is no distance for love and compassion. I also leave in America ( California). I met Sukkie for fisrt time in the drama : ” You’re beautiful” right at te moment I fell in love with his soul!!! Stay well and keep up fighting!!!
Can ia ask sis tenshi regarding the schedule of saitama? thanks
Sukkie is so creative, cute and funny. Love the picture.
I don´t think many girls takes their boyfriends to Team H concerts. It will be like that time when Sukkie and LJW tried to find a beautiful man on the Bel Ami Summer Festival. LOL
Just 3 more days. How I wish I could be there! Hope you will be there Tenshi, and write about that.
is that a grey hair?
wooow..can i bring you prince sukkie?hahaha (just dreaming!)
another attack..wish i could watch it too. good luck prince for the attack..fighting..
Haa haa he is
Haa haa he is so cute all the way he is
Cute! I wanna be there!
thats a good idea to make more male eels.kkk..I wonder what kind of attack this time.
What a face! So naughty and childlike, as if he was playing hide and seek with us. My sweetie Sugar.
another atack !… couples !! omg yayyyy! our sukkie is a GENIOUS , he is unique! i’m so proud of him.
thanks tenshiiiiii
My beautiful Prince! You are so cute! Do you want to be my male couple?
Thanks for the photos, if I lived there I would be at all the events. I am a cancer survivor, and I have pain everyday. When I do my pain management, I listen to JKS music.l grew up around many great music artists here in America, but not once has someone’s voice made my soul tremble with emotions, like JKS. He is to me angel that gives me courage to keep fighting for the chance to see him perform live at least once. To me he is such a wonderful inspiration.
i hope his energy and passion help u to be strong. and the most important thing is be positive because everything happened start from your mind.
Dear Angie Duffin: May God bless you always trough hard moments. Yes Sukkie helped me too when I had my moments of deep stress and depression, just looking at his eyes, listening to his laughter and watching him sing, gave me the strength to continue with life. I am pretty sure that God has his angels on earth to help and give happiness to people, Jang Keun Suk is one or them, because there is no distance for love and compassion. I also leave in America ( California). I met Sukkie for fisrt time in the drama : ” You’re beautiful” right at te moment I fell in love with his soul!!! Stay well and keep up fighting!!!
naughty sukkie ㅋㅋㅋ
I love your child soul Sukkie!!! I love you!!!!