How to watch “Love Rain” live in the internet

Our eagerly-awaited drama “Love Rain” will be broadcast at 21:55 (local time in Korea) on March 26. And every Monday and Tuesday it will broadcast from 21:55 to 23:05. There are many options to watch it online. I introduce some here. I’m not sure all works well, so please try if it works before the broadcast.

(1) highly recommend, specialized for KBS
I introduced this before. I think the visual quality is the best. I got the guidance pics, so I will share the instructions below.

*ATTENTION: You have to install an application released from KBS on your PC.

0: Access this website using “Internet Explorer”.

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[News] KBS official “Love Rain” site opened officially

Credits: KBS


The previous site seemed a temporary site for “Love Rain”. Finally KBS official “Love Rain” site opened officially!!!


The site looks to provide many services. Let’s explore the site! 🙂

KBS official “Love Rain” site

The temporary “Love Rain” site

“Love Rain” official fan community will be open on March 25


This site is the only official fan community by Yoon’s Color.
1. Real time drama site information
2. Provide undisclosed videos and photos
3. Conversations with actors, producer, writer and staff
4. Vivid behind-the-scenes
5. Conversation with fan of love rain from all over the world
(4 languages provided. Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese Simplified)

[18.03.2012] Tree-J staff twitter


“Love Rain” Teaser 3 was listed on recommended videos of YouTube!
As the number of viewing has climbed more than yesterday, the ranking is also climbing!
Love Rain!!

유투브 추천동영상에 사랑비티저 3번째가 뙇!
조회수도 어제보다 올라서, 베스트영상 순위도 올라감! 두구두구 사랑비!