In commemoration of the debut of Team H in Japan, their special program will be webcast for 15 hours on NICONICO LIVE, the same webcast site of Team H special live on Feb. 21. Watching the program, you have to sign up as a NICONICO LIVE membership. I introduced the procedure how to sign up it before. I post the link of the introduction below.
You can enter the live page on March 20 at 20:50 (Japan local time), 10 minutes before the program begins. The program will starts at 21:00.
— web-casting hours: from 21:00 on March 20 to 12:00 on March 21
— time-shift of validity period: one month
The scheduled contents are below.
— web-casting of full MV “GOTTA GETCHA” “Can’t Stop -JPN ver.-”
— trial listening of all the tracks of their debut album “Lounge H The First impression”
— their exclusive interview
And also you can book the live and watch it later (but only once, be careful!), using the feature called “タイムシフト予約 (time-shift)”. You can watch it from 30 minutes to a month after the show ends. I think you can check the exact deadline on the web.
Access the special page of Team H program webcast
How to watch NicoNico Live
How to watch the time-shift of NicoNico Live