[Interview] 10asia

Credits: 10asia
English translation: tenshi_akuma


In fact, I was honestly afraid to interview the strange creature who calls himself “Prince of Asia.” On the contrary, the conversation with him was quite fun. He is Jang Keun Suk, a frank and open guy who showed us both his strong and weak points as honestly as possible. His fans describe him as the most lovely and brilliant person. If I add one more to it, I will describe him as the most honest person. Actually he has a good figure, but he is a rare and remarkable young actor who shows us what JKS is plainly, which is quite different from many other actors who show their best side and hide their worst side from others. He shows his true self such as he yawns openly when he finds it boring. I’m happy to share our exciting dialogue with you.

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[News] JKS submitted his first short film as graduation work

Credits: mydaily


Actor, Jang Keun Suk completed his first short film. JKS, who is now a senior at the department of Acting, Hanyang University, submitted a short film as his graduation work to meet academic requirements for graduation. Tree-J staff revealed that he had submitted it in spite of a tight schedule. At the previous interview with us, JKS said, “My graduation work was 4:30 minutes long and I acted in a one-man show. Besides, I wrote the script and directed the film.” And he added that it was a kind of sarcastic film. He also revealed that he someday wants to direct films as well as acting and singing.”

JKS has recently been paid attention because he donated 1,200 million won to Hanyang University hoping to settle the scholarship. The “Jang Keun Suk” scholarship starts from March 2012 and can sponsor 20 students at the department of Acting who have excellent results and come from financially disadvantaged background.

[News] Verbal Jint narrated JKS documentary

Credits: KSTAR NEWS&Moneytoday Starnews


Verbal Jint narrated JKS documentary and proved their friendship again.

According to Brand New Music, Verbal Jint was the narrator of KBS2 documentary “The central role of new Hallyu stars, Jang Keun Suk” and it proved their friendship. Their friendship has developed since JKS revealed that he became a fan of Verbal Jint after listening to his 4th album “go easy” in 2011.

JKS invited him as a guest at his Tokyo Dome performance in November and then JKS made a guest appearance on stage of Verbal Jint in December. In this way they have built intimacy. In the documentary Verbal Jint utilized his unique and attractive voice in narration. It became another present for whom knew their friendship. In spite of long periods of recording, Verbal Jint enjoyed himself and said, “I admire him again as I felt when I was at Tokyo Dome. I’m happy to join this documentary which shows real JKS and his success.”

[News] JKS documentary got a 8% viewer rating

Credits: KSTAR NEWS&Moneytoday Starnews


The viewer rating of “The special documentary of a new Hallyu star, Jang Keun Suk” was around 10% and it proved a high interest in him.

According to AGB Nielsen Index, the special documentary broadcast by KBS2 on Jan. 1, “The central role of new Hallyu stars, Jang Keun Suk” got a 8% viewer rating throughout Korea. This viewer rating is high if you consider the fact that it was a midnight broadcasting and a documentary for a particular artist. This program reported his great success in Japan, the secret of his popularity, and the real face of JKS. And the filming location of CFs in Japan and China, the recording scene of a duet with a guest of Tokyo Dome were also broadcast. Watching the program, JKS was introduced as a leader who creates new Hallyu showbiz contents and plays a central role of it even though he hasn’t almost any time for rest.

In this program, JKS said, “I don’t think I am successful. I must make more efforts.” He added, “As I’ve gotten older, I feel anxious about uncertainty. I don’t feel at ease if I don’t sweat. Some people said that I made a precocious success, but I don’t think so. If there are ten things what I have to achieve in my life, I haven’t achieved only two or three of them. I sometimes describe myself as a boom, but when I say so, it puts me under hypnosis. I understand that it is possible that my popularity might lose in a moment, so I can’t cut corners on even trivial matters.”

[01.01.2012] Twitter

Credits: @Joosuc78
This pic was taken while the KBS documentary was shooting.

Credits: @codeinconnu
The documentary was jointly planned by Korean TV station (KBS) and Japanese TV station (Fuji-TV). They collaborated sharing the shooting schedule, but the basic structure of the program is different. So the content is not the same. I wonder what kind of the program eventually comes out. I’m thinking of going to Japan…

How to watch JKS KBS documentary (Jan.1,2012)

UPDATE: If you own a smartphone, just access the site! It’s very easy!

First of all, I’m sorry on such short notice. I found the easiest way to watch KBS without any registrations a couple of minutes ago. Besides, it distributes very high-quality images. So I will share the instructions below.
This program will be broadcast by KBS2 at 22:35 on Jan. 1, 2012 (local time in Korea).
*ATTENTION: You have to install an application released from KBS on your PC.
0: Access this webstite using Internet Explorer.
1: Click the left blue button.
2: The popup window asks you whether “to save to disk” or “to download and install”, so chose “to download and install”.
3: Then popup window asks you whether “to implement the software”, so chose “to implement the software”.
4: Afterwards, I’m afraid that you can’t read the message indicated during software execution because the characters are garbled… but just keep doing.
5: Click the left “N(Next?)” button.
6: Click the middle “I(Install?)” button.
7: Click the “F(Finish?)” button.
8: Access the site above again. It might take 20 or 30 seconds to be shown TV.
9: Chose “KBS2” button.