[17.9.2011] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

Shared by: Sukbar

Starting … twitter ……. so lonely …… I ate instant noodles at home…. Mum and Dad not at home is not a good thing …. carnivorous man tonight has nothing to eat…. cry cry …..


There are only 2 men here… they are even managers … what am I considered as… really … -_- where is sister Lim Soo-jung … ha….
这里也是两只男的…那甚至是经纪人们..我是什么呀 真是…-_- 林秀晶姐姐会在哪里呢…哈…..


Pick some fruit to eat
摘点丫莲果吃吃 啵唔ㅡ


Does anyone know where this is ~~~~ not bluffing you, if you come, I’ll really buy a drink for you, kekeke. oh yeah, excitement level has suddenly increased to 2 million points. of course it does not include guys, I only buy drinks for girls..!! Come, let’s start!!! heart pounding
有人知道这儿是哪里吗~~~~来的话不骗你哦 我就真的给你买酒喝 呵呵呵 哦也 兴奋突然上升到200万点了 当然不包括男的,只给女的买..!!来,开始!!!扑通扑通


Wah.. The 3 men who have come to Itaewon poured out the wine but have not drunk one mouthful. Two hours spent playing twitter and then ended… also no one has found their way here… I want to shout… “xi ah ah ah ah ah”
哇..来到梨太院的三个男人 倒好酒一口都没喝 两个小时都在玩推特后结束..也没有人找到这里来..我想大喊…“xi 啊啊啊 啊啊啊啊!!!!”

6 thoughts on “[17.9.2011] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter”

    • I think its a first time thing though. Tweeting nonstop because he is excited and he seem to be replying to a lot of ppl tweets too. It will wear off eventually.

  1. my heart pounds when i’am seeing his tweets in tweeter but its sad that i didn’t understand anything of them.. thanks with this blog for the translation.. 🙂

  2. let him freely tweets all these days and we enjoy his news very much, but when he starts his buzy working time and he will be tired almost of the time, he will not that too eager to tweet us..sad sad..dont want to think about it..


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