[GCMA] Lounge H performance video!!

Credits: Aphrael77

JKS’ performance is simply stunning!
The rain didn’t stop him from giving his best as always, and it added a wild element to his performance!

This is going to be my favourite video, and definitely the first full-length one I have of a Lounge H song 🙂
Great night, great performance – the only regret is that it’s not enough!
Looking forward to JKS’ FM (with Lounge H song included) in Singapore next Saturday!

16 thoughts on “[GCMA] Lounge H performance video!!”

    • Eels are waiting to see JKS’ performance!!

      And thanks to you too for the tips! So happy I learnt something new today – how to compress videos for uploading ^^

      • aphrael77 , thanks for always sharing the vid so fast & I’m sure Sukkie’s eels will like this LIVE vid very much as I enjoy his performance so much myself ^_^

      • thanks a lot aphrael, I did watch the live show, but it’s just not enough… too short…. 4 hours and 30 minutes show and JKS just appeared for around 5 minutes? i re-watch your video many times… and it will become my daily ritual now… 🙂

  1. I saw him over cable TV just now and his LIVE performance is really good!!! Sukkie really brings the whole stage alive with the rain drops as natural props ^_^ Even my mum said he really stands out in stage presence lol..

  2. cajuputte, u too, thanks!!! Hope I hope I can do video editing to contribute too..I must start learning during my freetime…

  3. As if the natural rain was like a stage effect directed by him,
    his performance was cooler than ever!!

    I can’t wait for the release of his Lounge H album.


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