Credits: Aphrael77
JKS’ performance is simply stunning!
The rain didn’t stop him from giving his best as always, and it added a wild element to his performance!
This is going to be my favourite video, and definitely the first full-length one I have of a Lounge H song
Great night, great performance – the only regret is that it’s not enough!
Looking forward to JKS’ FM (with Lounge H song included) in Singapore next Saturday!
wow..u indeed very fast… thanks so much… *mwahh….
Eels are waiting to see JKS’ performance!!
And thanks to you too for the tips! So happy I learnt something new today – how to compress videos for uploading ^^
i’m happy to help u….
i’m so excited, that more videos will be upload by u…^^
aphrael77 , thanks for always sharing the vid so fast & I’m sure Sukkie’s eels will like this LIVE vid very much as I enjoy his performance so much myself ^_^
thanks a lot aphrael, I did watch the live show, but it’s just not enough… too short…. 4 hours and 30 minutes show and JKS just appeared for around 5 minutes? i re-watch your video many times… and it will become my daily ritual now…
I re-watch it many times too!
I saw him over cable TV just now and his LIVE performance is really good!!! Sukkie really brings the whole stage alive with the rain drops as natural props ^_^ Even my mum said he really stands out in stage presence lol..
thank you so so much for all these videos!!! your efforts was appreciated..
can”t watch this event live, hiks … but can’t wait to see his performance in SG FM, yipieee …
cajuputte, u too, thanks!!! Hope I hope I can do video editing to contribute too..I must start learning during my freetime…
u’re very welcome…
haha, i’m just provide small tips, but aphrael77 done all the efforts…
Thanks!You did a very good job!Congratulations for his award!
Thanks for the video. Couldn’t catch the live performance just now. But really glad to be able to watch it here
ba babababa….yeah so coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool^^
My fav vid..thanx so much aphrael77~~
As if the natural rain was like a stage effect directed by him,
his performance was cooler than ever!!
I can’t wait for the release of his Lounge H album.
I can never get enough of this guy! His stage present is amazing and he always give everything! You’re the best JGS!