Video/English subtitles: Aphrael77
There is something that JKS said before he said to Chinese eels “I love you” that I could not figure out and so I have left out that part.
#WelcomebackJKS "Our new journey started on May 29th, 2020"
congratz to Suk~~I’m proud of him…
Eels! you’re best fans on the world:)
I like his wearing a tuxedo at the formal situations like this event.
Of course, I also like his casual and wild side like his Lounge H performance.
He is talented with many faces ^^*
JKS Win ….We win Cri ! We win!

yup, his winning is our victory also… JKS is the “Korean most influential artiste” coz he could influence hundred thousands of eels to vote, or thousands people to vote in hundreds of times…