[News] JKS promotes new album & reveals ideal girlfriend type is Shu Qi


“You are Beautiful” made Korean star Jang Keun Suk popular throughout Asia. Outside of acting, at times seductive and at times cute, he continues to win hearts with his pretty boy image. Two days ago, he was in Shanghai to attend HS Media’s contract-signing press conference and to launch his Asia Tour 2011. The event venue, IFC Mall, was packed with nearly 2000 fans who were there to catch a glimpse of their idol, testament to Jang Keun Suk’s popularity.

The first present he is giving to Chinese fans is the upcoming release of his first single in China and Asia – “Lounge H the 1st”, and on 9 July, he will be back in Shanghai as a singer. Being the norm in showbiz for actors to venture into singing, Jang Keun Suk manages the transition even more smoothly as firstly, he had recorded two songs before while hosting a regular music programme previously, and secondly, attentive fans would have discovered that his roles are often related to singing as the band leader. But when JKS chose to announce in Shanghai the news of his first EP “Lounge H the 1st”, the crowd almost went wild with excitement.

While in China, he used Chinese and even Shanghai-ese sweet sayings to bridge the gap with fans, and reveals that the female Chinese artiste he admires most is

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[Video] Behind-the-scenes at Easy magazine photo shoot

Credits: sky93122

If the video does not load, please follow this link to the Youtube page.

In every single shot, JKS’ facial expression and how his eyes look are so different – he’s truly a perfect model!

I think the photo shoot was done on 15 April night after the GCMA. He had to work late into the night!

HS Media conference – part 4

Credits: VietnamEels
English subtitles: Aphrael77

Some of these video resolutions are not good, but we’ve seen pretty pics of JKS, so the more important thing here is to understand what JKS said at the press conference ^^

[Info] Free registration to view JKS’ full-length “Let me cry” MV & other pics on NicoNico website!

Credits and special thanks to tenshi_akuma

The MV and other pics will be up on NicoNico website from 20 April 2011 (12 noon Japan time) to 21 April (midnight) for 36 hours only.

To check time differences, you can go to http://www.timegenie.com/preferences

Below are the steps on how to register a free account in order to access the MV.

0) Visit the site(click HERE).

1) Click on the white button with TV icon ( “アカウント新規登録” in Japanese ) , in the top right hand corner.

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Commemoration video by Baidu Sukbar

Credits Baidu Sukbar

—————— Message at end of video ——————

Jang Keun Suk

From now to forever
We will walk together with you

16 April 2011

Jang Keun Suk officially signed an exclusive contract with agent company HS Media for the Greater China region. To Chinese eels, this is an extremely blissful moment. Abiding by our promise, we will accompany you on the journey.

—————— By Baidu Sukbar ——————


Aphrael77’s note:

A nice video made by Sukbar in commemoration of JKS’ contract signing with HS Media, it’s a brief but illuminating showcase of JKS’ works from his younger days to date (I wonder why Hwang Jin-I is missing) – every single character is so memorable. He is Jang Keun Suk – a fantastic actor first and foremost, and a star we all love because he touches our hearts in so many ways.

His Asia Tour 2010 is just a start, and I certainly look forward to many more fan-meetings, concerts, dramas, albums and more from JKS! And 5 days to seeing him in Singapore on 22 April !!!

[Whereabouts] JKS at Shanghai shopping street

In such a rush to post this that I didn’t have time to note the individual uploaders from Sina, but very grateful to them anyway.

Before JKS departed for the airport, he spent about 10 minutes walking along a shopping street in Shanghai, and a group of eels accompanied him, taking pics from as close as 1 metre from JKS and feeling extremely blissful. The eels just walked alongside him quietly and did not scream etc.

For more pics,

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