Jaejoong: Yo~~ Red Bull arrived!!!!
JKS: Please.
Prhyme: Really fast. k We’re gathering, then texting. Is it necessary or not to meet up? k
JKS: Lose your mobile phone again.
“@prhyme79: “@AsiaPrince_JKS: “@bornfreeonekiss: Yo~~레드불이 도착했다!!!! pic.twitter.com/WUYWGcatuv”ㅡ역시 해주세요”진짜빠르다 ㅋ 우리 모여서 핸펀쳐다보긔있긔없긔? ㅋ”ㅡ또 저나기 잃어버려라
Day: May 16, 2013
[Pic-2] JKS with MOLDIR item
Source: [Press]Twitter – Keunsuk Jang
Sukkie was given some MOLDIR iPhone covers by Jaejoon? This time brown one, but previously he showed us pink one.
[News] ZIKZIN CAFE & DINING website opened
Finally the official website of ZIKZIN CAFE & DINING opened. Clicking the website, you can see a lot of beautiful photos such as the menu and inside the cafe.
Please refer to other post, too.
[article] JKS cafe is worth visiting? Yes, it gives power to be positive!
[15.05.2013] AsiaPrince_JKS Facebook
My mom came over to my house after she had a big fight with my Dad. Then she got drunk. I had to make radish soup (korean style soup) for my drunken mom…..
MSG (my mom’s style) vs. anchovy broth (JKS’s style)
The battle between MSG (my mom’s style) vs. anchovy broth (JKS’s style)!!
어젯밤 아버지랑 한 판 붙으시고 아들집에오셔서 보통 아니게 술 드시고 숙취에 괴로워 하시는 어머니를 위해 무국을 끓여야 했던 상황… 엄마스타일의 미원과 아들스타일의 멸치다시육수의 한판 전쟁!!!!!