[14.02.2013] Tree-J twitter

Today, on Feb. 14th at 12 o’clock, TEAM H official Ameba blog opens. We plan to release one never-seen-before video each day. Please pay attention to it. http://ameblo.jp/th-jangkeunsuk/
금일 2월 14일 PM 12:00 TEAM H의 공식 아메바 블로그가 오픈됩니다. 하루에 한개씩 미공개 영상이 공개될 예정입니다. 많은 관심 부탁드립니다. ameblo.jp/th-jangkeunsuk

How to register as a Team H/ JKS official Ameba blog reader

NOTICE 1: Even if you’ve already been registered, if you are “非公開” member, it doesn’t mean you are included in the number of reader. Unfortunately the default setting is selected as “非公開” member. To check your membership status, please see the instruction below.
NOTICE 2: I also post a technique to leave comments in non-Japanese below.
NOTICE 3: I recommend you to be アメンバー of no-one, too.

As you know, Jang Keun Suk opened Team H/ JKS official Ameba blog (a.k.a. Ameblo). You can access the blog without any registrations, but if you register as the reader, the number of his blog readers increases. One of the purposes he opened the official blog on Ameblo was he thought it must be useful to draw attention from those who haven’t known them before. So please help to promote the blog with the registration as a Ameblo membership. The instruction is as follows.

(1) Access his official Ameba blog and click “このブログの読者になる(チェック)”. If you’ve already been registered as Ameblo member, please skip to (6).

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[News] Team H/ JKS official Ameba blog open

Credits: Ameba blog

As he announced beforehand, today, on Feb. 14th at 12:00, Team H/ Jang Keun Suk official blog opened on Ameba blog (a.k.a. ameblo), Japanese popular blog service. He opened this blog to promote Team H spirits to the world. And he expects that this platform is good to let people who don’t know Jang Keun Suk or Team H well realize who they are. Especially he expects to get more men’s fans! To show them, he’ll try to post one never-seen-before video each day. By doing so, even who can’t attend Team H party nearly held in Japan will understand them.
You can access the blog without registration. Big Brother already has his ameba blog, but he hasn’t updated for a while… -_-; Anyway, please access the blog often and promote it to the world! Zikzin!!


[13.02.2013] Jang Keun Suk Weibo

Team H Jang Keun Suk exclusive blog will be open tomorrow. Is there anyone who wants to visit…??? The URL will be released at 12 o’clock tomorrow!! I’ll upload one never-before-seen videos each day!!! Is there anyone who wants to see???
Team H 장근석만의 블로그가 내일 오픈인데 혹시 놀러오고 싶은사람…?? 주소는 내일 열두시 공개 !!하루에 하나씩 미공개 영상 추가크리!!! 보고싶은 사~~~람 ???

[13.02.2013] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

Ah, I can’t stand it anymore. I will open Team H, Jang Keun Suk ameba blog at 12 o’clock, not 4 o’clock tomorrow!!! Oh yeah, this pic…picture was taken during the shooting MV. kkk
あーがまんできない。 Team-Hチャングンソクアメブロ、あした4じじゃなくて12じからオープン!!!おーいえーしゃ、、しゃしんはさつえい中のwww
tenshi_akuma’s note: Ameba blog is a Japanese famous blog service.

[08.02.2013] Tree-J staff twitter

I was startled by organizing Team H activities. So many!! But still I enjoyed doing it~ ㅡ And Mr. Ankou (angler)’s hard-disk is full of never-before-seen videos. ㅡ One after another : )
TEAM-H 활동을 정리하다 깜짝 놀랐다, 뭐가 많아!! 그래도 신나게 했구나~ ㅡ 그리고 앙코우의 디스크에는 미공개 영상이 가득 있었다 ㅡ 새록새록 : )