[22.9.2011] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter & Weibo

Shared by Sukbar

You all tell me not to spam tweet, not to be so talkative, to stay quiet for a while! You all are teasing me for being so free! Will be releasing my official album in Japan very soon, in the midst of choosing song, wait and see!! I’m the best Asian artiste who even attends to this personally!!! A man serious in his career, keke
你们叫我不要刷屏 不要唧唧喳喳 安静地待会儿!你们总是笑我闲!马上就要在日本出的正式专辑 正在选曲中 等着吧!!我是连这个都亲自去做的亚洲最棒的艺人!!!做事业的男人 呵呵

hey, master me am coming very soon…. wait quietly if you don’t want to become grilled eel..!

Later I’m going to China Weibo!!! Going to do something!! huh… kakaka eels, do you know what this means? kaka, now is the era of eels!!! hurrah lala
我等下要去中国的微博!!! 要做点什么了麽!!哼哼…卡卡卡 鳗鱼们,知道这话是什么意思咩?卡卡 现在 是鳗鱼时代!!!呼啦啦啦

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[21.9.2011] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

Shared by Sukbar

At this instant!!! Asia Prince JKS, for the photography crew who are working till late at night, foots the bill!!! Using his own funds!!! Here comes news of hosting their dinner!!! Ah!!! Hallyu star full of warmth!!! Especially it’s a potential world star!!! His name is Jang Keun Suk!!
说话的瞬间!!!亚洲王子 张根硕 为了辛苦工作到深夜的摄影工作人员们 自掏腰包!!!用个人的私费!!!传来了招待(他们)晚饭的冲击性消息!!!啊!!!人情味十足的韩流明星!!!特别是 准世界明星!!! 他的名字就是 张 根 硕!!

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