The previous news on the filming being done in Kobe has been confirmed to be a rumour.
YMP plans to have its outdoor filming in Ibaraki at the end of August 2011. In one of the Japanese magazine interviews, the director said that he prefers filming to be done in Japan, such as the scene in which the female lead goes on a working trip in Japan and also two dating scenes. Filming venues would include a national park, hot springs resort and shrine.
张根硕贴吧官方微博 :【宠物相关消息】宠物的外景拍摄计划8月末在茨城,《韓流ぴあ.\》 最新号里面有导演的访问,说无论怎样都想在日本拍摄,想拍女主角在日本出差的戏还有2个人约会的戏。地点会选择国立公园、温泉旅馆和神社。以上信息来自
今天 20:07 来自新浪微博