My ticket – seat number and serial number removed for security reasons 🙂
The fight among eels is on, and it’s indeed a very exciting fight!!
Sistic is so very punctual – 9 am means 9 am, even though I was hovering at the website since 8 am. I managed to get into their order selection process at 8.59 am and by 9.05 am when I completed my purchase for the maximum of 4 tickets, I got row P! If row A is the first row, then P is the 16th row!
Being very curious, I went back to Sistic and tried again for 1 to 2 seats at Level 1 Central block (the S$188 tickets). By 9.13 am, there were no more S$188 tickets (central block – best view) available.
What a FIERCE battle for tickets!
I was literally trembling with the excitement (and stress because of the 10-minute time frame to complete purchase), and I called staying up late to find out where the heck row P is before I confirmed my purchase.
But finally I got the tickets!
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