Credits: KeunSukChina
English subtitles: Aphrael77
JKS is simply too irresistible! Gentle and charming to boot!
And how could he pat that fan’s hair? * faints * …. He’s too cute!
#WelcomebackJKS "Our new journey started on May 29th, 2020"
Credits: KeunSukChina
Source: Pony Canyon Japan
Finally! Jang Keun Suk’s “Let me cry” album will be released on 27 April 2011!
I look forward to getting his album! 🙂
Credits: DC
Shared by: KeunSukChina
Remember the Japanese Cri-J magazine that’s totally devoted to Jang Keun Suk and comes in 4 issues over a year? This is the cover page of issue no. 1 which will be released on 10 April 2011. Methinks there should be more pages circulated online later due to the generosity of eels’ sharing ^^