LIVE IN OSAKA. The rehearsal finished successfully. See you soon later~ ^^
라이브 인 오사카죠. 리허설 무사히 마쳤어요. 이따 뵐께요~^^
[2015-11-16] Tree-J twitter
We have started to accept CRI-J 7th oversea official members’ registration, but because of overflowing access to our website, the registration form hasn’t work properly now. Please wait for a while until it is recovered. We apologize for the inconvenience.
크리제이 7기 해외정회원 모집이 시작되었습니다만 많은 접속으로 현재 가입창이 열리지 않고 있습니다. 잠시만 기다려주시면 복구됩니다.불편을 끼쳐드려서 죄송합니다.
[2015-11-16] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter
Cri-J 7th. until 6pm from 1pm. hurry up eels!!!
tenshi_akuma’s note: Sukkie tweeted wrongly. To oversea eels, your registration period is from November 16th 13:00 through November 20th 18:00. Please check the details on Princejks.com 🙂
[2015-11-10] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter
Tell me pretty restaurants in Seoul which serve delicious food.
서울에 깔끔하고 맛있는 밥집 소개바람
At present Jang Keun Suk official fan club CRI-J is recruiting the 7th members. At present Jang Keun Suk official fan club CRI-J is recruiting the 7th members. At present Jang Keun Suk official fan club CRI-J is recruiting the 7th members. At present Jang Keun Suk official fan club CRI-J is recruiting the 7th members.
지금은 장근석 공식 팬클럽 크리제이 7기가 모집진행중입니다.지금은 장근석 공식 팬클럽 크리제이 7기가 모집진행중입니다.지금은 장근석 공식 팬클럽 크리제이 7기가 모집진행중입니다.지금은 장근석 공식 팬클럽 크리제이 7기가 모집진행중입니다.
tenshi_akuma’s note: For oversea members, not open yet. Please wait until November 16th.
Director Jang. Now we location hunting right now. Can’t wait shooting day!!
[2015-11-06] Tree-J twitter
Please check the notice of CRI-J 7th membership recruitment on the official website. The pop-up notice will be open on November 9th. We’re going to start Korean domestic members’ recruitment on 9th and oversea members’ on 16th. Please make sure the registration period. ^^
크리제이 7기 정회원 모집 공지를 공홈에서 확인하세요. 팝업 공지는 9일 월요일에 오픈됩니다.국내 회원은 9일부터 해외회원은 16일부터 모집합니다.가입기간 꼭 확인해주세요.^^
tenshi_akuma’s note: Finally the schedule for the registration of CRI-J 7th (2016) members was announced. For more details, we’ll update here. Please keep following us. Plus, sorry about our ECI registration hasn’t restarted yet… We hope we can announce it again soon.
[2015-11-05] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter
Gosh!!!!!!So lovely!!! can’t wait!!!
Who wants DVD!!