[2014-07-29] Tree-J twitter

[Jang Keun Suk ZIKZIN Radio] ZIKZIN Radio, the next theme is ‘Birthday’!!! Please send your episode to Korean official fan club Princejks.com staff blog, Japanese official fan club JKS CHOICE, and Chinese official website. #jks_zikzin_radio
[장근석의 직진라디오] 직진라디오 다음 주제는 ‘생일’!!! 사연은 공홈스텝블로그 일본,중국 공식 홈페이지로 보내주세요. #jks_zikzin_radio

[2014-07-29] @nar_style twitter

Getting better and better!!! Well-built and shoulder line is great!!! #fitness #diet #bootcamp #gym I dont mention who he is!!!!!
Getting better and better!!! 프레임 좋고 어깨 살아있고!!!#fitness #diet #bootcamp #gym I dont mention who he is!!!!!

tenshi_akuma’s note: But we know who he is ^^ Thanks for helping his work-out!

[2014-07-24] @nar_style twitter

After a hard work-out, I was given his autographed CD! Wonderful two men. Fighting!!
#JangKeunSuk #bigbrother #TeamH #Takeme #Asiaprince

열혈운동 후 상남자학생님의 친필싸인씨디 증정받음! 멋진 두남자 파이팅!!#장근석#bigbrother#TeamH#Takeme#Asiaprince http://instagram.com/p/qzJ9CmJTZV/

tenshi_akuma’s note: She’s his teacher (trainer) of his work-out. See this post.

[2014-07-22] Tree-J twitter

[Jang Keun Suk ZIKZIN RADIO] ZIKZIN Radio, the next theme is horror! Please send your “scary stories” to Korean, Japanese (JKS CHOICE) and Chinese official website. #jks_zikzin_radio
[장근석의 직진라디오] 직진라디오 다음 주제는 공포특집! “무서운 이야기” 사연은 공홈스텝블로그 일본,중국 공식 홈페이지로 보내주세요. #jks_zikzin_radio

[Pic] JKS with Jung Joon Young

Original source: @official_JYrock twitter, 정준영-Joon Young Jung official Facebook

Jung Joon Young’s bluff (hose) lesson Step1. Put your chin up to the sky a little bit. Across the ocean, in Japan, Asia Prince Jang Keun Suk did it together.
#정준영 의 허세강좌 Step1. 턱끝을 살-짝 하늘을 향해 들어주세요. 바다건너 일본에서 아시아프린스 #장근석 님이 함께 해주셨습니다.

tenshi_akuma’s note: Korean rock artist Jung Joon Young appeared on Beautiful Man (Bel Ami) summer festival as a special guest and performed a song from OST and his new song.

[Pic] @icteru93 twitter_20140719

Before I know it, Keun-chan has already become an adult!!
He has a gentle heart and a great voice~
This photo was taken just before the 2nd stage with my daughters~


[2014-07-18] Tree-J twitter

Jang Keun Suk appears on the cover of magazine ‘THE STAR’ August issue! It will be released on July 22nd. The photos were really taken very well. Please look forward to seeing them! #Jang Keun Suk #THE STAR #THE_STAR
더스타(THE STAR) 8월호 표지 등장! 7월22일 발매됩니다. 화보가 정말 잘 나왔어요. 기대하셔도 좋습니다! #장근석 #더스타 #THE_STAR

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