Original source: @official_JYrock twitter, 정준영-Joon Young Jung official Facebook
Jung Joon Young’s bluff (hose) lesson Step1. Put your chin up to the sky a little bit. Across the ocean, in Japan, Asia Prince Jang Keun Suk did it together.
#정준영 의 허세강좌 Step1. 턱끝을 살-짝 하늘을 향해 들어주세요. 바다건너 일본에서 아시아프린스 #장근석 님이 함께 해주셨습니다.
tenshi_akuma’s note: Korean rock artist Jung Joon Young appeared on Beautiful Man (Bel Ami) summer festival as a special guest and performed a song from OST and his new song.