[26.02.2013] Jang Keun Suk weibo

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Jang Keun Suk: http://t.cn/zYOk8zf hipline… exposed by the tight fitting suit……hip line… exposed by the tight fitting suit… hipline… exposed by the tight fitting suit… hip line… exposed by the tight fitting suit
http://t.cn/zYOk8zf 스키니 수트속에 드러난 hip line~ 스키니 수트속에 드러난 hip line~ 스키니 수트속에 드러난 hip line~ 스키니 수트속에 드러난 hip line~

[Pics-1] Team H Party in Hiroshima_20130223/24

Photo credits: Tree J Japan
Source: Korea Star Daily, Daily Sports, KOREAREPORT

According to the news, Team H played 22 songs (!) at Team H party. Sorry, I couldn’t remember the order of them, but I’ll try to share the songs they played then. He said, “As a team H member, I’m no more Prince of eels. From now, I’m Boss of eels!” And the capacity of Hiroshima venue is about 5,000. That’s means about 10,000 audience (for 2 days) gathered and joined their party.

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[article] First release of “Feel the Beat” MV: consecutive 30 hour filming

Source: www.people.com.cn
English translation: Aphrael


Recently, Asia Prince Jang Keun Suk revealed a series of H Films on Weibo, appealing to fans to “run quickly” to greet the coming of Team H China Year. JKS who is singing in Chinese for the first time received fans’ compliments upon the release of the song. Initially JKS was very worried about the Chinese lyrics, but at gaining the confirmation from Chinese fans, he expressed his happiness. Having had good results, JKS has never stopped his pursuit of the music he loves. JKS’ Greater China agent company HS Media, in strategic collaboration with Ocean Butterfly Music, announces the album’s digital release on 20 Feb 2013 and the physical album “I just wanna have fun” on 27 Feb in the whole of Asia.

JKS turns into “Wild MV Man” and challenges the extreme in language for new album

Actor JKS says of the MV filming for the preparation of this Korean album, “Very interesting. Although I started work from young, I had not filmed MV until I was 21 years old. Now I film MV once a month, and six MVs in this year!”

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