[26.9.2011] AsiaPrince_JKS Twitter

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The situation this morning, darling, give me alcohol-relieving wine …. headache … * cry cry * darling = eel
今天早上的状况 亲爱的 给我解解酒…..嘤 头痛…..呜呜……亲爱的=鳗鱼

wanted to tweet but my eyes are so tired… yesterday on the way back to Seoul I had strong inspiration and so in the car I wrote my homework, a script, in my notebook…. the result…. I used my brain too much and became tired…. unbelievable… a man who plays when it’s playing time!!
想再刷个屏的 眼睛好累不行了..昨天回首尔途中灵感很强~~烈 就在车里用笔记本做课题写剧本…结果…用脑过度体力反转….无法相信啊…玩的时候就玩的男人!!

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[24.9.2011] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

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Yoona and me, and In Guk eating grilled meat for lunch together!!! We are engrossed in the smell of grilling meat during filming!! sone, taste the grilled meat!!!! hahahaha ah haha, but are Busan women pretty or Taegu women pretty? Exactly where are we going tonight…..
我和允儿还有仁国一起中午吃烤肉!!!我们沉浸在烤肉的味道中在拍摄!!sone们啊 尝一下烤肉吧!!!!哈哈哈哈啊哈哈 不过釜山女人漂亮还是大邱女人漂亮?到底今天晚上去哪里。。

Some free time during filming. Chatting with women, no response from these girls…. asked them which actor they like. without hesitation they said directly, Gong Yoo…… you all are out…!
拍摄的时候 有点空 在和女人们聊天中,这些孩子.. 真没有反应 问他们喜欢哪个演员…. 连犹豫都没有 直接讲是孔侑…… 你们out..!

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[23.9.2011] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

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I am this kind of person!! Video contents: For the land where I am, my homeland, my friends, my family, Korea even more……………. well done
我是这样的人!!! 视频内容:为了有我的土地 我的故乡 我的朋友 我的家人的大韩民国更加……………… 做得好

This is Cri Show, JKS trap, cri, kekekeke
这个就是crishow 张根硕陷阱cri 喀喀喀喀

Ah, frustrated, because of intellectual property rights on the Japanese side, video has been deleted…ah… a pity to watch it by myself….if you want to watch…. please buy it…… in order to hook you all, hee hee
啊 烦躁 因为日本方面著作权关系 视频删掉了 删掉..啊..一个人看太可惜了…想看的话…….就买吧…为了钓你们 嘻嘻

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[22.9.2011] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter & Weibo

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You all tell me not to spam tweet, not to be so talkative, to stay quiet for a while! You all are teasing me for being so free! Will be releasing my official album in Japan very soon, in the midst of choosing song, wait and see!! I’m the best Asian artiste who even attends to this personally!!! A man serious in his career, keke
你们叫我不要刷屏 不要唧唧喳喳 安静地待会儿!你们总是笑我闲!马上就要在日本出的正式专辑 正在选曲中 等着吧!!我是连这个都亲自去做的亚洲最棒的艺人!!!做事业的男人 呵呵

hey, master me am coming very soon…. wait quietly if you don’t want to become grilled eel..!

Later I’m going to China Weibo!!! Going to do something!! huh… kakaka eels, do you know what this means? kaka, now is the era of eels!!! hurrah lala
我等下要去中国的微博!!! 要做点什么了麽!!哼哼…卡卡卡 鳗鱼们,知道这话是什么意思咩?卡卡 现在 是鳗鱼时代!!!呼啦啦啦

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[21.9.2011] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

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At this instant!!! Asia Prince JKS, for the photography crew who are working till late at night, foots the bill!!! Using his own funds!!! Here comes news of hosting their dinner!!! Ah!!! Hallyu star full of warmth!!! Especially it’s a potential world star!!! His name is Jang Keun Suk!!
说话的瞬间!!!亚洲王子 张根硕 为了辛苦工作到深夜的摄影工作人员们 自掏腰包!!!用个人的私费!!!传来了招待(他们)晚饭的冲击性消息!!!啊!!!人情味十足的韩流明星!!!特别是 准世界明星!!! 他的名字就是 张 根 硕!!

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[21.9.2011] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter …. & new hairstyle pic!!

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Ah, end of lunchtime. You all laugh at me for being so free with nothing to do, I am a very busy man!! Don’t challenge me. Until 6 pm today, more people who follow me…what to do, I don’t even have half the numbers of Lee Hong-ki? If performance is well, I’ll really upload my pic after I cut my hair. Will become eel at first glance! Now is the era of eels!!!
啊 午饭时间结束 你们笑我闲得没事干 我可是很忙的男人啊!!不要挑衅哦 下午六点为止多些关注的人吧..怎么办我连李弘基一半都没有?表现得好的话真的上传剪完头发的照片哦 一看就会变成鳗鱼!现在是鳗鱼时代!!!

Changed my mind…. Won’t reveal my new hairstyle pic. Fans also didn’t increase in number. The response is smaller than I thought. If no one follows, twitter…. closed………..
改变主意了..不会公开剪完头发的照片了 粉丝数也没上升 比我想象中的反应小了点 不关注的话 推特 哗地 关………………

Japanese eels, are you fine? I’m here checking news on my mobile. Eels, be careful of your safety! I want to protect you all ….

Almost no one is following me….everyone doesn’t follow me …. Sister Lim Soo-jung also doesn’t tweet…. In order to get my reply, some strange messages are written …. Twitter …. close…..
几乎没………怎么关注我 大家…不加关注…….林秀晶姐姐也不发推特……为了让我回复写一些奇怪的话…….推特……..关………

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[21.9.2011] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

Shared by Sukbar

I heard about the hurricane in Japan. Everyone! must! be more careful!! I’m very worried…! Fighting!

Should I buy the pot that is being sold online… vexed… now I’m starting to shower. Cri… if the number of fans increases, will post a shower pic, kekeke bye cri. Now is the era of eels!!!
网上在卖的锅要不要买呢 苦恼啊 现在开始洗澡cri..如果粉丝数有上升的话 来一张沐浴照哦 喀喀喀 bye cri 现在是鳗鱼时代!!!


I’ll upload the pic… in order to get Rt twitter has made me more proactive and fans has increased in number. Girls who don’t pay attention to me will be disappointed … tweeting … should be stopped now… if you’re well behaved, I’ll release the drama image photo and new hairstyle
我会放照片的..为了得到Rt 让我变得积极的推特&粉丝数也增加了 不关注我的女生们会失望的哦..刷屏…现在该停止了….你们乖一点的话 会公开定妆照跟新发型哦

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[20.9.2011] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

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Class ends … ah… the ballet hall is empty… why is my luck so bad …I discarded my scarf and leather jacket …no!! By the way, amongst the 13 students in the movie course, 12 are guys and only one is a girl, isn’t this ridiculous?? Ha….
下课…啊…芭蕾hall人空了….我运气怎么那么不好..围巾跟皮衣都扔了…不是!!顺便说一下电影部系听课的13人中 12个是男生 只有一个女生 像话吗??哈…..

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[20.9.2011] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

Shared by Sukbar

End of tweeting, ah, too sleepy to tweet. See you on the way to school… ㅠㅠ TTT terribly sleepy ㅠ
刷屏结束 啊 到底是太困了刷不了了 see you in上学路上..ㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜ困死了 ㅠ


On the way to school.. Ah… my mouth seems to be crooked since this morning … everyone writes to be careful of being monitored … that will not be like me …eels … I’m sleepy and cold … today I also need to learn well~~ to be more awake, send a tweet first….
上学中.. 啊..早晨开始嘴巴就好像歪了一样..大家都写小心监视~~~的话 那样就不像我了..鳗鱼们啊 又困又冷..今天也好好学习~~为了清醒一点先刷个屏咩..

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[19.9.2011] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

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Eels’ era! The first bait!!! Yoona’s dinner today~~ lick all you want!! Hahaha but while eating eel, the JKS who has finished cutting his hair has uploaded it to the app, not letting you all see, hahaha. Eels’ era~ let us be together harmoniously
鳗鱼时代们啊!第一个鱼饵!!!今天允儿的晚饭~~尽情舔吧!!哈哈哈 不过在吃鳗鱼 还有剪完头发的张根硕上传到app了 不给你们看 呀哈哈 鳗鱼时代们~我们好好相处吧

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