[11.02.2012] Tree-J & jksjapan Twitter 2012-02-11 by tenshi_akuma (Japan) Thank you for coming, everyone!!! YMP FM was over. Thank you for everyone ^^ JKS is changing into Momo. See you soon^^
Heard that you’re uncomfortable, as the eels, in addition to saying “rest”, do not know what to say.Hope you up, better hurry. Reply
regard as as itself to feel, you need rest,lies 1 warm milk with medom,2 tea with raspberry or with limonon.i lechisi. Moonflower Reply
Don’t know how to leave a message, Web page is very strange.Don’t know “Website” to fill what?
Hi, you can leave “website” blank. 不需要填写网址。有时候,你的 comment 得经过博主的批准才会显示 (通常会需要一天
Heard that you’re uncomfortable, as the eels, in addition to saying “rest”, do not know what to say.Hope you up, better hurry.
regard as as itself to feel, you need rest,lies 1 warm milk with medom,2 tea with raspberry or with limonon.i lechisi. Moonflower
I like the doll that he’s holding….wish I could get myself one of those…
speedy recovery….