UPDATE: replaced the previous link for Android users
Credits: http://e.weibo.com/lottedfs
Lotte Duty Free APP “明星爱为你 (Stars’ Love For You)” was released. You can take a picture with your favorite star (needless to say, our beloved Jang Keun Suk) using this app. All directions are written in English, so here we post the guidance ^^
For iPhone users, access https://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/ming-xing-ai-wei-ni/id674494555?mt=8 or iTunes App Store. Then, search with 明星爱为你 or Lotte. You’ll find the app soon.
For Android users, access https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lottestarphoto.init&hl=en or Google Play. Then, search with 明星爱为你 or Lotte. You’ll find the app soon.