[Blog activity] Win a limited edition Lawson folder!

Amendment 1 as of 28 Jan, 6.50 pm:

– Only text messages are accepted. No pictures or background designs is allowed.
Using pictures is a disadvantage to many participants who do not know how to design.
What is needed is just a sincere message of encouragement. Be creative in playing with words~!

– Terms and Conditions no. 9 is added.

You may become the lucky winner of a limited edition Lawson folder!
These limited edition Lawson folders are currently available in Japan, free with the purchase of snacks, but on a first-come-first-served basis and will not be in stock when the Lawson promotion is over in end January.

We hope our support and love can sustain JKS when he’s feeling tired or down. As eels, we are his source of energy!
All you have to do is to write a note of encouragement to JKS in less than 50 words, and email it to the JKS Forever blog team. Please note that if your note does not contain any words of encouragement, it will be disqualified and you will be informed.

Submission Deadline: 14 February 2012

The winning 10 entries will be those most sincere, creative, fun or outstanding.

The prize will be sent via registered airmail to any address in the world.
Prizes are kindly sponsored by tenshi_akuma. (Thanks, Tenshi~!!)

What are you waiting for? Send in your entry now!
Find out how and read on.

You should use the exact format below for your email submission/entry.
Send your email to jksforeverproject@hotmail.com


1. Name:

2. Preferred folder number: [choose one number from no. 1 to 5 – refer to pic above]

3. Submission:

Dear Sukkie,

(the contents of your note in less than 50 words)

From (my name)


Terms & Conditions

1. Only submission in English will be accepted. Submission in other languages will be disqualified.
2. A participant can submit up to 5 entries, but every participant has a chance to win only one folder. If the participant already wins one folder with one entry, her other entries will not win more.
3. Entries that are more than 50 words (not counting Dear JKS and your name at the end) and entries that do not contain words of encouragement will be disqualified.
4. All submissions will be considered by our panel of 3 judges (who are not participating for the prize). Judges’ decision is final. No appeal will be entertained.
5. The results i.e. the 10 winning entries will be posted before 25 February 2012.
6. Winners will be asked for their address via email. Prizes will be sent in March 2012.
7. Stating your preferred folder is not a guarantee that winners will definitely get their choice. We’ll do our best to accommodate but where it is not possible, we will send winners any one of the five designs.
8. Registered airmail means proof of posting will be provided. Tracking of mail is possible, but receipt is not guaranteed. JKS Forever blog will not be responsible or liable for airmail lost in the postal process, and no compensation or replacement will be given.
9. By sending your message to us, you are thereby giving consent to us to show your message in a future blog project IF we need to use it.

50 thoughts on “[Blog activity] Win a limited edition Lawson folder!”

  1. WOW!!!!!!! What an awesome idea!!!!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! lol jus a smal request can i know the judges so i can bribe them with my sweetness ROFL!!!!! Daebak Sis aphrael i love this idea.,..

    • LOL~~ well, I’m un-bribable (not even with IT, lol).
      think I’ll announce the other judges at the end of the activity 🙂

      • Aish wats the use at the end!!! ah mayb i wil make the judges kabayaki if they dont select me!!!!!!! And SIS KAORI LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOURE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TO SPONSOR THE PRIZES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MWAH MWAH MWAH!!!!!!

  2. Thanks tenshi-chan for sponsor this event… so sweet of you!! Hmmm.. Let’s me try to come up with somethings. This is my first time doing something like this…. excite and nervous at the same.

  3. Another doubt arent 50 words too less?????? i can write loads…lolz…even tweets are more than 100 words…how wil i fit my msg into 50 words…gonna be a herculean task…tssk tssk

    • I’m sure people can write an essay ^^ but that will be too long. We just need a short note 🙂

      Another option you have is to just break up your “essay” into the 5 entries each participant is allowed to submit.

    • It’s a Fan Meeting sponsored by Lotte Duty Free. About 1,000 Japanese eels are attending this event held today.

  4. I have a question when u say “creative”,we can use pic’s or wallpaper with our message on it or just plain message? Btw, thank you for this once in a lifetime opportunity..I hope there will be more activity like this in the future..*_*

  5. This is such an excellent idea… We get to vocalize our encouragement to JKS and at the same time stand a chance (despite strong competition) to win these lovely folders ^^

    One question: can I assume only the winning 10 messages will be posted on blog? What about the rest of the submissions?

    Thank u Tenshi and Aphrael for this activity!!

  6. OMO! I’m not good at all in words, but I want the prize!
    Ok, ok…I have to calm down and think the best (oh..I didn’t do my homework from Pam yet too, mommy helppp..!!)
    Aphrael and tenshi, love this idea so much!

  7. Ermm so besides the words.. are we allowed to design… ? cuz i dun reali understand this portion…”No pictures or background designs is allowed.”

    • Hi Sallie,

      No pic or design. Just a text message, maximum 50 words (not counting “Dear JKS” and “From …”)

  8. whaaa!! this is so great! thank you for giving us this chance 🙂 ! since in the US there arent really many chances to get awesome stuff like this^^.

  9. Waaa what a great chance…!! I´ll already sent my message…. Crossing fingers to be one of the winners ♥
    Thanks guys for this…

  10. Waaaah!!!! Another great opportunity I need to grab!!!! ♥

    I need to find some time to make this in the middle of making my 20th anniversary MV! :))

  11. Anyonghasaeyo JKS chii!!! HOw r u?What r u doing? Are u tired?Chornuen mobchie chongmun kurivonhada my idol, I’ll waiting for your performance(series) to show in tae-kuk nara, otherwise concert catchie and I’d like to work with you too.Hansangcongkanghasaeyo,Anyonghisumusaeyo,Anyonghikasaeyo,Chaika,Saranghaeyo,love u jub jub.From:Jum(Tae-kuk fans)

  12. i want the clear folder !!! want !! want!
    but how to make sincere-fun-outstanding-creative encouragement *scratching head….

  13. Please … please publish all the other entries on the blog even though they don’t make it to the Top Ten … it’s going to be awesome reading all the sincere messages of encouragement from us Eels to our beloved Prince ^^

  14. Anyonghasaeyo JKS chii!!! How r u?What r u doing?Are u tired?Chornuen just to heard news that you will complained by CRI-J Japan about your height.You don’t mind because I beleive that another fans love your performance not your height,otherwise fans love u because you are you.I’ll cheer you in everythings that you do fighting my idol.Hansangcongkanghasaeyo,Unjinjahada,Anyonghisumusaeyo,Anyonghikasaeyo,love u jub jub.From:Jum(Tae-kuk fans)

  15. First and foremost thank you tenshi akuma for sponsoring this project. It encourages us eels to use our creative juices in writing words of encouragement to our beloved sukkie. I personally can say that 50 words is not enough to describe the beauty ,nature & unique personality of this guy. This person amazes me with his gift of talents and abilities. I submitted a total of 6 entries with 50 words each entry. I followed your instructions to the T. My only concern is, in your terms & conditions it states that a participant is only allowed 5 entries however I submitted 6 entries. Will my last entry be disqualified? What can I say… I have full praises for my dear Sukkie. I hope you will consider my last entry. I assure you it is a short essay full of words of encouragement. To all eels please continue to love & support SUKKIE for when he’s feeling tired or down WE are his only source of energy. FIGHTING! SUKKIE WE LOVE YOU!

    • hi giluvgeun,

      In short, only 5 entries per participant will be accepted, so one of your 6 entries will be disqualified. I will email you regarding that.

      Yes, we know that many eels have the talent to wax lyrical about JKS for many pages. The purpose of keeping it short is to keep the message readable and easily digested. I think JKS won’t have the time to read long essays!

      We would also like to give each person a few chances and not just one, but it will not be fair if one person submits a few and another person submit 20 or even 50. Hence my decision to limit it to 5 entries per person. Hope this clarifies ^^

      “To all eels please continue to love & support SUKKIE for when he’s feeling tired or down WE are his only source of energy. FIGHTING! SUKKIE WE LOVE YOU!”
      – Super like! 🙂

    • I love how giluvgeun expresses her love towards Sukkie!
      And I love how fervent the eels here are in their support towards Sukkie!
      If there ever is a chance to attend Sukkie’s FM with you guys, it would be my privilege to know you people. :o)

  16. Thank you for taking the time in reading my entries. I understand that we need to give chance to others. It probably just shows how much we love and support him. More power to you and the jksforever blog team.


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