15 thoughts on “[19.11.2011] Tree-J twitter”

  1. Lol.. how come all Sukkie’s managers are goofy like him. I guess match-team make in heaven…..kkkkkk. I haven’t seen his new manager face yet. If anyone has pic of him, please do share. I’m curious what he looks like. Thanks in advance.

  2. I’m just trying to figure out why he has a blue fox tail hanging from… oh never mind. But yeah, I’m sure his managers are chosen based on their compatibility to Sukkie. LOL

    • Lol! Andrea! That tail…maybe it’s cellphone’s…but why it’s hanging from the wrong place?!….kinda strange manager, huh??

    • Lol! Reminds me if the dig when Sukkie hung that horse-tail drg the Guru show. The mcs were giving him the suggestive remark abt not hanging it on the wrong place and he was so witty and played along with them without making himself look foolish. My boy is so smart in side-stepping danger zones….

    • Carol, I read from BaiduSukbar that this new manager has worked with Sukkie before during Hwang Jin Yi & they have known each other for years.. and I saw the picture of this manager, quite good looking like Manager Kim. It seems no one has resigned but as Tree-J has many activities with setup in Japan & also more activities in China, Sukkie needs more managers to assist him.

      • LOL.. I commented to Tree J twitter that Sukkie’s managers always seem to be cute.

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