English translation: jaychieh0208 @ Soompi
Thanks to Farina for the link.
Through an interview with Sports Chosun, Jang Geun Suk revealed that he had suffered from depression due to his excessive workload a while ago.
After filming for drama “Mary Stayed Out All Night”, he toured around Asia for fan meetings, and began filming for movie “You’re my Pet”. Not to mention he released singles and full-length album in between all these works; he even squeezed out time to film commercials. “In total, I had less than 25 days to rest in the past year.”
He further revealed that he had suffered from depression a while ago, “Fans tend to think I was taking a rest when I was not on TV, yet I was actually traveling abroad for work. Whether it was in Japan, Taiwan, or Singapore, I felt like I didn’t belong to anywhere.”
He added, “The busier I am, the more distant I become from my friends. I love cars, but all I could do was leave my car in the parking lot and let my manager drive me all the time; I felt like I was living someone else’s life which made me really depressed.” The star was so depressed that he didn’t step out of his house for two months.
Fortunately he conquered it on his own in the end, “It eventually got better when I was filming for the movie “You’re my Pet”. The filming schedule was so regular that I slept really well, got up at 10am and went to bed at 1am everyday. I went to Taiwan for fan meeting during the filming, it was when I stood on the stage and heard cheers from fans made me realize, this is where I belong, and this is what makes me happy.”
JKS all us eels support you always!
I feel for Geun… He needs a loving wife and a family. Fame cannot bring the lasting fulfillment. We need intimacy with someone who we can trust, play with, lean on and also give ourselves to. May God bless him with a good wife!
yes i agree w/u,
he needs someone special.
he he….he shud just marry one of his fans……we are soo faithful…<3
I echo what you said Mia. I 100% AGREE WITH YOU!
true..actually, it’s also quite bothersome…i mean, he’s also a normal guy who gets tired, wants his freedom, and burns out..and i can see well how he wants to entertain the demands by his fans all over Asia (and the rest of the world)..but he also needs some time for himself..
..take care always, keun-suk.
Poor Prince, feel sad to heard that you are suffered from depression due to excessive workload.
Anyway we believe a man of transcendent genius like you will overcome all the obstacles easily by the powerful energy from all the eels.
The more efforts you putting in the more return & successful you are.
I like this Chinese word ‘超越自我’!as Prince like challenging & surpass himself.
Wish your dream come true soon – ‘Be International Superstar’
Just to hear that he was sick makes my heart pain … take care of your health SUKII. We do not have someone else in this world take good care of him and love him and respect him … There is nothing in life more important than the health …
Oh dear, when was this interview? I hope it’s not a recent one and pray to God he is not depressed anymore. Please don’t feel sad my prince Sukkie. When you are feeling down, please just remember that eels always love you and support you. Eel can also cheer you up and give you more energy to fight on. Fighting! Fighting!
he’s too tired because he tried all his best to give all his love….
he also need love,
so, knowing so many support & love from EELS, his energy re-charge..
that’s the power of love…
Very disheartening to heard the news.
He put too much effort and time for all his eels – trying his very best to make us
happy and satisfied.
Sukkie don’t worry we eels will never let you down – will support you all the way and
may your dream of being an International Superstar be a reality.
We really appreciate your effort and love for all of us.
May God Bless You with GOOD HEALTH and happiness.
Take Care Sukkie and have a good rest.
I was concerned when i read the article. This is not surprise when someone works so hard at his career top, I mean I know he is still pursuing bigger dream. But sometime, slow down and get away from it be with someone special is also most important for his life. I’m glad that he didn’t go really down and find himself back, but I hope he can take it easy a little bit. As eels, I don’t care if for sometimes, I don’t have any news about him. He has so much things out there for fans to watch, to recall. He is the brightest star in my heart, but even I can’t see him out there. He is still sparkling and inspiring me. Take care Sukkie, eels love you and they want be happy for your own life.
I may totally wrong on this. Isn’t the time he mentioned here, I mean he was suffering with depression, is before he attend that Lotte Shop Opening Ceremony? When we saw the pictures and I think his face expression show a bit.
When I read this news in BaiduSukbar recently, I felt so sad as I know he really has a tough period during MMM filming with concurrent FM across cities from late last year with irregular sleeping hours (i think 2-3 hours almost daily for a month or 2) … and beginning of this year, with continuous travelling overseas, can understand his feeling when he is away from home & he always said what he feels & I understand this could also be due to some fans who commented that actor Sukkie is not “working” as he is always having FM… I guess some of these fans may be missing Sukkie’s acting in drama so much after MMM & did not understand the ground work & preparation work for each FM & album release as he involves throughout the planning to implementation. Also, Sukkie always chooses the scripts & roles carefully & so he may not take on a drama even if offered to him. I always hope he can take break & rest & lead a more normal life like guys at his age.. it is good the YMP filming gives him more regular working/sleeping hours with time for friends & even driving his car in slippers to cheer up his fans, he looks more cheerful & less stressful for past 2-3 months.. really don’t mind he starts on a drama later after all his FMs & album release, just hope to see him smile widely & more breathing space & private time.. will always supporting him & forever ^_^
I love your words so much !!!
Dear Keun Suk,
don’t you know by now that your fans ABSOLUTELY LOVE you for exactly what you are? What with those changing hair styles, unusual outfits and wide ranging roles – did your popularity flounder? NO, it just grows and grows. Thinking and acting out of the box, trying out new genres, being true to your own beliefs are the very essence of your charm, the signature of your unique character. We love you for what you are and how you chose to live your life and fulfil your dreams. Don’t restrict yourself and worry too much about what your fans will think. We love to see you live your dream your way and lead a happy, balanced, healthy and peaceful life. No one can be super charged and turbo all the time! That would be crazy. Just live your life as you like and you are doing a very fine job of it!
He has been feeling lonely for quite awhile now i think. i saw his candid videos when he was in hawaii, and there was a scene there where he was standing by the shore and said that he wishes he was with someone special there because hawaii is so romantic, but he said he doesnt have any, and jokingly kissed the camera instead, but after that, there was that SAD FACE, in caps because it was in perfect timing when the camera slowed down and focused on him with fading music.
i mean this was not scripted or anything, he just was just being spontaneous but for that to still show, is what he really feels deep inside.
A fan account from recent codes combine signing i just read too, he said the same thing.. when he was asked how he is doing.. he said “neul neul makkkk” in Thai, which the fan translated means “very very tired” .
…that’s what I’m saying before..JKS really really need sometime for himself too. Not just always to please everybody but also for his own family. There’s always time for everything. Just go out when your regain for energy to share also everybody your energy… Take care always JKS.
I agree with all the comments.. do take some time to rest.. as we all know that you still love us as a fans… you also need sometime for yourself. Don’t stress out yourself..
You need to take care of yourself in order to love the eels here..
Take care Keun Suk!!
I totally understand why he felt that way and I’m glad he got over the depression quickly.. his schedule is really insane and although I love the fact that he has tons of works and offers, it will be really good if he will slow down a bit so he can enjoy living his personal life more.
For those who have not seen this cute vid before by eel fan, here is to share with all..cheering up all including Sukkie with Suni.. he looks happy in this vid, enough rest & able to play with his sis “Suni”, during the filming of YMP.. don’t u think both looks similar? ^_^
Dear JGS, pls do get a super great ur own car…to a cool plc.. U hav done enuff for us.. A holiday is a must for u… Pls rest.. True eels wait for u… Mgrss pls take note of ur star’s mental health
firstly, i agreed with all the comments and when i learned about his depression , i was kinda worry and a bit sad. he’s been working so hard all these years and becoming such a huge star.But like what others say, everything comes with a price to pay.Guess now maybe with his super star status, although he’s been doing this for years and he loves what he is doing , just maybe he’s beginning to feel the pressure.But yet, for him …just try keep things in perspectives. As he becoming more and more matured , he’ll need different things in life just like normal person does. We all need friends, family or and times for yourself and even love to define who we really are… But still this is just an opinion.For Sukkie… people can say anything or make him do what they wanted him to do, but in the end it all comes to what makes him happy the most. It the end of the day when there’s no camera…it only him and him alone to face the world.I just hope he’ll do what makes him happy and take time to appreciate small things in live.He’ll just need to steal some time then because it wouldn’t be easy though for a star like him.We’ll be here to support him all the way.Take care and May god bless Sukkie always with all the goodness and kindness life have to offer him.Fighting!1
Read your message, not surprised,because celebrities are just like this but l wanted to tell you that money and fame was not the most important things in life know that you are happy with your life and take care of itself.It’s good to go,you will not stay straigh,but you know that you are in our heart ti wish you a very happy and will cheer for alway and forever……jks…love you!!!!
I didnt even realize that JKS was trying to overcome a depressive state, the way i recently was too! Am so glad he has snapped out of it, and he was the one that made me snap out of mine. It’s not an easy state to be in coz i went through it. Everytime you are depressed, think of us eels who all worry for you. Just tweet anything you feel, we will all be there to help you. Even if we all cant physically be with you to comfort you, we are all just a tweet away.