Taipei Cri Show tickets sold out in 45 minutes!

(dark green seats = sold)

Taipei Cri Show’s official ticket purchase starts from 21 May 2011 at 12 noon (Taipei time), and within 45 minutes, almost all tickets were sold out! In comparison, JKS’ fan-meeting in Taipei last year had its tickets sold out within 24 hours.

As expected, the same ticketing website that hanged last year hanged this year too. A handful of fans were able to purchase tickets via the website, but the majority of fans could not and faced multiple issues such as page not able to load, service not available etc. Two big issues that surfaced are that when fans selected the seats online and proceeded to payment page, they were not able to complete the transaction because although they had selected the seats already, the ticketing system does not hold these seats as “reserved” and other people especially those at the physical counter, could buy away these tickets. The other issue is that reportedly, the ticketing website company is using an old ticketing system based on Windows 98, and hanging is a common problem online as well as at the physical counter.

Many eels who queued up overnight managed to get their tickets, although there are cases of people who queued up overnight, are third or fourth in the queue, but still did not manage to get the highest-priced tickets.

Taiwanese organisers Joytime Entertainment’s Facebook page is awash with many criticisms and unhappy comments from eels, especially in relation to their unfairness in allocating 3 entire rows of the highest-priced NT$4,500 section as publicity seats which is a norm on the concert scene. These publicity tickets may be given away to the mass media, but some tickets have emerged on online auction sites selling at ridiculously high black-market prices.


Even before official ticket sales started at noon today, at 7 am in the morning, a seller already published an auction on Taiwan Yahoo website selling NT$4,500 ticket for NT$9,000 – tickets with a specific row and seat number. Many Taiwanese eels are extremely angry with Joytime Entertainment for releasing tickets to non-fans before the official selling time, and thereby being the indirect cause of the black-market tickets which are on the rise.

As of the time of this post, Joytime Entertainment has not made any response.

32 thoughts on “Taipei Cri Show tickets sold out in 45 minutes!”

  1. I didn’t manage to buy tickets! Extremely lousy ticketing website ….

    * depressed and goes off on a eating binge * 🙁

    • Jiayous! You still have Shanghai FM to fight, and be happy two more weeks you will see Suk in Malaysia, make me jealous!

    • hey aphrael! that was really fast, just what you have guessed. 🙁 at least you’re still on to KL and Shanghai! 😀 we all will just wait for your story and be jealous. LOL

    • oh wow thats really quick 45mins!

      But your going to see our lovely JKS in 2 wks I am so jealous I miss him since Singapore FM… have you got tkts for Shanghai FM too?

    • oh ya, after all your reminders, I remembered I still have KL FM to attend, which cheered me up immensely, and it seems my KL tickets are even better than Singapore ticket.

      Shanghai tickets not confirmed yet cos I have issue with bank transfer!
      … will try to transfer again on Monday and pray that it works ….

      whew! after going through Taiwan’s ticketing website, I realise how much better is Malaysia’s ticket buying process …. the situation on Taiwanese organiser’s Facebook is deteriorating because they have not issued any official explanation, and some Taiwanese eels have highlighted this issue to the media, about tickets released before the sales date and going on the black market… !!

      And depending on how Taiwanese mass media takes it up, there may be a storm brewing ….. (Taiwanese media not being any kinder than Hong Kong media ….)

    • Aphrael, dun be sad. Doesn’t matter as long as you have tried your best. Thanks for your good comment towards Malaysia organiser. Actually they are trying their best coz this is the 1st time JKS coming to Malaysia. Normally most of the problem arised was due to the organiser, as such some of the countries limit the purchasing of the tickets to 4 and even limited purchasing for the same range of pricing. This is to avoid some people trying to get advantage of purchasing bulk and selling in black market. But too bad this happen in Taiwan…..Look forward to KL Cri FM, hope Rhythm Land will do a great job & you enjoy even more in KL! C u by then…. count down. I’m getting exciting and nervous too….. cheer up!

    • Hi ! According to my friend black market ticketing is well known in HK, Taiwan & even Korean itself….. this is a norm. Not to say a concert, football match also the same. My hubby went to Barcelona last February with business friends, they wanted to see a match since there. Coz being a foreigner, they dun know how advance they need to purchaser the tickets. Upon arriving there, they said all tickets were sold out & ended need to pay “extra extra” as entrance fee…. the best part is they went in wihout tickets but through the “cheers leading” entrance. This is the real business world

  2. WHAT??!!! Sold out in 45mins???!!!
    Cheer up aphrael, you will see JKS again in 2 weeks time in Msia! 🙂
    And i will pray hard for you that you can get the Shanghai tickets too!
    So that you can come back and share with us your wonderful experience. 🙂

  3. I was surprised and disappointed at the news.
    And I’m worried about JKS’ feeling after he knew this problem.
    It’s not his fault but he will be sorry for all eels about that…

    The more popular JKS becomes, the more troubles can be happened without his intention and knowledge…
    I’m so worried about that it might make him damaged mentally and actually… (;_;)

    • Yes, if JKS gets to hear about this, I think he’ll feel upset, but not to the extent of that much damage. I believe he’s a stronger person than this.

      The Taiwanese eels are very clear that they are not blaming JKS for this; rather it is the organisational problems of Joytime Entertainment and the capability of the ticketing website. They hesitated whether to bring this to JKS’ attention, because they also don’t want to make him sad.

      But I think for such a big problem, as a perfectionistic artiste who has a decisive say in the organisation of his events, would JKS prefer not to know and be kept in the dark? I think he should know, so that next time, there can be improvement.

    • sure agree with you that popularity comes with many other problems but also I feel that Sukkie & his team of managers can handle the situation especially knowing that this young man has gone through very tough period before & I think his character is the type who never give up & will make things work out in the end…and I believe Taiwanese eels will understand the situation lies with the organiser. I remember about the case I read about S’pore 2010 FM..the earlier organiser allows free sitting & that cause so much problem as the fans have to queue early to get good seat.. I didn’t attend then as I was still “discovering JKS” then but good that this year, they change a better organiser.

  4. these problems are bound to happen when someone gets so popular.
    I know JKS will feel upset about it too and I agree with aphreal , He should know about it so he can do something about it. JKS is a very strong person. It’s one of the things I like about him. He’s not the kind to give up and it’s his own dream to become No 1 in Asia then promote Asian culture to the world.
    To achieve this dream he needs to get more popular and with popularity comes problems , but I think he can handle it perfectly.

    we will support him the best way we can.He knows that most of his fans cares about his own happiness and comfort than anything else.

  5. Actually some Taiwan eels also got angry with HS Media, and with CRI-J also,, this will be very upsetting for Sukkie..
    The Taiwan organizers are so lousy,, some say the website was down at 12:03, the next thing this Eel found out the tickets are sold out

    Then here is the link of the black market selling,, tickets are being auctioned in a very high price,,, who could afford this.. im so sad because there are some eels who are still willing to buy the tickets,,, These black market sellers has no heart at all,, taking advantage of Sukkie’s popularity..
    I just hope these tickets will not be accepted.. Joytime should explain about this…

    • My heart at Taiwan eels, the black market is not taking advantage of JKS’ popularity, they are taking advantage of the love towards Suk of the eels. I hope Tree J would do something to rectify, or perhaps if they don’t, the things would be improved next time.

      • yes,, that could happen,, there are already petitions happening right now to change the venue,, but how could they decide on that since its barely a month before the Cri Show..
        This black market seller is really so unbelievable,, one reason also is taking advantage of JKS Eels love for him,, if you saw Q&A, there are Eels who are willing to buy even if the price is so high!,,
        and much worst Joytime entertainment is taking this issue as a good news even thanking the Eels for the comments,, and this made some eels even more angry..
        I just hope that some angry eels will still consider their love for Sukkie and calm down,,, even Cri-j maybe did not expect that this thing will happen…
        Lets hope for the best!

    • OMG all the tickets shown are selling on the black market?! Aigoo thats not fair for eels as I am sure they are willing to pay the correct amount to see JKS but this is such a scam!

  6. That’s so wrong of them. I hope Joytime says something soon and take some action.
    I hope the people doing this will be caught and get to learn a lesson. The nerves of some thieves!
    Seriously though , the life of celebrities are not easy. Hope everything turns out ok.

  7. Someone should feedback.. So that JKS can have a 2nd day Cri-Show in Taipei.. Then the black market tickets would not have exist…

    • Think there are 2 or 3 fans who posted this on Korean official website, but among hundreds of posts daily, who knows whether Tree-J staff will read?….

      • Don’t despair.If it’s the right thing 2 do,we should keep fight’g.Is there any official mean of contact 2 Sukkie’s Korean Agency?I read in news that it’s a small company w/limited no. of staff.But since Sukkie is gett’g more popular in Asia,may b they should consider 2 put in more resources in PR 2 deal w/this kind of issue,especially it will happen in different countries.Do they have organisor 2 centralise all the events taken part?If not,similar case will happan again in the future,we eels must address this issue 2 them.

  8. Is it a good news!?
    I read a post written by some Japanese eels that Taipei Cri Show is going to be held on 24 June as an additional performance. But I couldn’t find out the official announcement yet, so I’m not sure whether it’s true… We have to be patient to know the truth for a while.
    To be honest, I don’t know if this rumor will turn out to be true, but I just want to let you know the faint hopes in advance.

  9. Its sad to know abt that…no wonder he looks so gloomy at Lotte DFS ceremony.
    He has a strong personality and very firm in his decision – for sure he can handle
    this problem professionally.
    Taipei eels will understand,, its not his wrong doing – so please keep on supporting him.
    Sukkie – Don’t give up, be strong and we will always support you.


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