8 thoughts on “K-Snaps news stories on Singapore events”

    • Hi boniee,

      I have not found a way to download videos from Tudou. I need the video in my PC to subtitle. If you have a way to put this video in Youtube and send me the link, I can take a look.
      If it’s very interesting, of course I will subtitle it.


  1. For Spore fans: JKS is being featured in today (25 April) LianHe ZaoBao (1/2 page on zbNOW) and My Paper (1/4 page on B14).

    • Aphrael, are you satisfied with the overall arrangement and performance by JKS in Singapore? R u coming to Malaysia FM too? BTW r u at the middle of the row (more to the left side from the front) during the dance? Coz i saw a hat in grey/blue seems like yours…..The dance is funny with the lettuce, but I like JKS smile during the dance…..

      • Nope, not me. I wasn’t visible in the video, but that’s fine.

        All credits to our dance instructor, Jiyin, who came up with the idea for the dance and choreographed the dance.
        We wanted to do something special for JKS, and we think that the lettuce dance will make him laugh.
        Anything to put a smile on JKS’ face ^^
        so we are all very happy with the results

        as for JKS’ performance, my account has been posted ^^
        and yes, going to KL FM if I get the ticket!

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