19 thoughts on “[pics] Jang Keun Suk New “Killer” Look in “Beautiful Man””

  1. I’m so in love with the “Killer Look”. He is super handsome in the still photo. Can’t for this episode to come. He is becoming more handsome and hopefully more beautiful inside as the story progress.

  2. Wow! Reading the scripts much intense emotions… I remembered what IU said, that she is so amazed with Sukkie. While he is reading the scripts, you can see how he immersed into the character, how he transform himself into the character.

  3. Whooohhh… I should prepare myself for the rapid change again… This gives totally a different vibe from the cutesy ramen noodle haired Mate! Look so serious and mature… totally a royal hotness in suit! Oh my heart… <3

  4. I love His Royal Hotness in his suits… His hair is gentleman style here so guessed he is finish with the curly fairy?
    Another 12 episodes of drooling…oooo our poor eel hearts…lol

  5. The look of a man that makes our heart and mind can’t focus anymore. Makes one simply stare at the pic and dreaming together with his killer face.

  6. That once again proves his versatility! I was just getting used (and in love with) his Ramen Noodles hairstyle..I was one of those adamant against him cutting his silky long hair but with all these style changes I realised there is no hairstyle he couldn’t carry!


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