[31.08-01.09.2012] Jason Jang’s Weibo

Credit: Jason Jang Weibo
English Translation: Sarah Ye

2012-08-31 14:16pm
jks is bleeding! endless bleeding! What to do? Will be late for Press Conference – I’m worried. Panic!
jks流血!不停的流血!怎么办 记者会迟到了~ 担心 急死了!

2012-09-01 19:33pm
He is at backstage kk!
Note: The time he posted this was the Cri Show about to start right away, the picture he took during rehearsal earlier. Jang Keun Suk is so hot even when he is at backstage, kkkk

6 thoughts on “[31.08-01.09.2012] Jason Jang’s Weibo”

  1. LOLL…Jason is funny guy!! He seems scary like baby in panic mode…”what to do..what to do”….kekeke. Poor Jason!!!

    I also imagine all the Tree J staff were running wild and crazy in panic mode too. Sukkie is like a walking time bomb, very dangerous man!! Truly, working for Sukkie must be supper difficult and tiring…have to encounter so many unexpected things to happen.

  2. Janson and other staff must have felt so scared and worried if this accident leaves any scars on his face.. 🙁 If I were there, could I deal with it calmly? I might be more upset than I myself got injured. Sukkie did quite well at the press conference. He perfectly hid his bandage with a microphone or his finger. And what’s more, he made us smile by posing. I really hope his scar will be cured soon.

  3. Thanks.. I’m sure the scar will be fine. He’s never had issues before with scars. Besides, it just gives him an added dimension. So.. umm… what happened? I haven’t caught up so not sure. A little scar on the chin won’t take away from the impact of his eyes or his voice.


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