[Notice] Let’s make a trend using HappyBdayJKS on August 3rd

As you may know already, making “HappyBdayJKS” as a trending topic on twitter has been planned by eels around the world. This twitter trending attempt is scheduled on the day before his birthday. See the detail below. In addition, we post some tweet options which can draw Sukkie’s attention to ECI and jksforever blog. Let’s check them, too ^^

[The detail]
Let’s make a trending topic on Twitter for celebrating Sukkie’s brithday ^^

*When: 2012/08/03 at 23:30 (Korean local Time)
–> Check your local time from the timetable above!
–> Everytime we can tweet it… especially during 2 hours!
*Hashtag: HappyBdayJKS
–> Without # is OK. Because it’s easier to make trending without that.
*How: We just must tweet with the word (hashtag) ” HappyBdayJKS “
–> Please send our wishes to Sukkie’s twitter @AsiaPrince_JKS

[The option]
You can tweet with ECI videos and the images of our messages, including jksforever and ECI YouTube Channel links. If you tweet with them, it’s easier to draw his attention to ECI and jksforever blog. And he’ll know there are a lot of international eels (rainbow eels) already. We hope it’ll give him energy to take a step to become World Prince and be a good encouraging birthday present for him! 🙂
message_from rainbow

22 thoughts on “[Notice] Let’s make a trend using HappyBdayJKS on August 3rd”

  1. Hurray ))) okay I’ll try to make this HASHTAG to become trend ))) i do hope JKS will see our tries and notice it’s in trends )))

  2. Kaori chan, Thanks for posting the vid which Zizy sis has made with all eels in ECI… we have enjoyed every moment of the bonding events together ^_^
    Also, I would like to share this link to JKS documentary (Japan Fuji version) which many eels might have missed out.. this is one documentary which I felt so touched as I got to know Sukkie better… Thanks again for the translation with Heather on this documentary..

  3. I want to see Turkey flag in ECI 😀
    hope the trend will be successful.
    don’t forget to retweet others twits.
    write many many twits…
    I guess he already know that site. he is the biggest fan of himself 😀
    he should sent a message to you (admins) because you’re really great and helpful to international eels.

  4. The pics and video just make me tear….. Thank you all ECI members for your support and participation. Yes, lets hope Sukkie manages to top the worldwide trend on his birthday. Zikzin!!!

  5. The video is very cute, i like the idea of the eels together and holding the flags, the flag of my island is there too.Ah, the master eel {JKS} look awesome, good work girls.You {the fan clubs} will send wreath rice to the outside of the stadium for the BD and the participation of Team H in UFM? I ask because it will be very touching to him and BB if all the people attending to the concerts see all the gift, flowers, banners and wreath rice outside the stadium showing the love of the eels from all over the worl. The companies of the products that he made CF greeting him and put banners too,cool. The korean will be very amaze and the other DJS are going to ask, who is this Jang Keun suk that everybody love him ? and the japanese eels tha always went to his fan meeting in Korea and the korean eels waiting outside the stadium waving him too, its this possible or its my imagination again?

    • reading your posts made ​​me feel as if I’m really seeing all of your imagination. hahaha..
      hope all of them will happen later so the world will recognize his exixtence, his greatness, and the greatest love from his Eels..

  6. each time i watch the vid…it makes me tear….with joy…….

    i am so glad and proud to be in the ECI and JKSforever family, and i am sure our beloved Sukkie will be very encouraged and proud to know he has such a huge fan base across the globe! 🙂

    Let’s do whatever we can, in little parts, to support him, which cumulatively will be awesome encouragement to him — the tweet trending, the 926 donation drive we are currently running in ECI, etc etc……

    • Hazy, I would like to “Thank you” for starting this project of eels’ making and I really enjoy making the eels with the rest of eel sisters.. we have many happy moment together, still remember running out of pink ribbon for one eel (representing Saudi Arabia) and coincidently, our little brother Saad from Saudi Arabia can be represented by silver ribbon ^_^ Another incident is the red bow tie around leopard eel’s neck… after you have delivered the eels gift to Sukkie’s office Tree-J when Sukkie is busy with his Cri Show 2 at Seoul.. we were all wondering if Sukkie got the gift… when he left for Japan’s Cri show, on the plan when he tweeted his own photo..he pointed to the big bow tie around his neck and focus the big bow tie.. All eels who know the hidden message behind are jumping up with joys as we got the message that he has received the gifts and appreciate that by showing us in the most unconventional way… As we all know, Sukkie appreciates his eels very much by doing something may seem funny to others but it is his way of showing his appreciation in his own way and only end up making us smiles & feel touched ^_^

      • Hello 😀 may I ask?
        when you send gifts to JKS? we (Turkisheels) are also sending gifts but we also wants to be a part of ECI. How this can be possible?

  7. I love the video. It’s very touching. I hope that our prince will see it 🙂 Glad to be a part of eels community!!

  8. as well as I know, if we write our twits to @asiaprince_jks, it can be considered as spam.
    So, I believe we shouldn’t mention him in every twit.

    • I totally agree with you 🙂 And in addition retweet is more important then tweet . Don’t forget retweet ^^

  9. Awesome let’s reach the world trend this time I’ll be giving a hand too I got teary eyes everytime I see The Eels courtain because all the effort you put doing them… Thanks sis Hazy for everything. and the BD video just awesome thanks Zizyphus— I Love you ECI sisters


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