[24.04.2012] Tree-J staff twitter

Credits: codeinconnu/subar/minzzangde
English translation: Sarah Ye and tenshi_akuma

엉엉엉… 건사마 26일 스케줄 빼야겠어요 장근석 만세! 장어 만세!
waa waa waa… Geon-sama, you must adjust the schedule on April 26th. Hurrah for Keun Suk! Hurrah for eels!

이 와중에 4위하신 김배우님! 축하드립니다! 저도… 몇 표 드렸습니… 쿨럭… 오예~ 즐거운 인생!! 오늘은 행복하게 즐잠!!
在这之外 第四名的金演员!祝贺你!我也。。。投了几票。。。哦耶~ 快乐人生!今天很幸福,晚安!
Also, congrats to Actor Kim to be #4, I also voted, oh ye! happy life, today is a happy day, good night! (Kim is the actor who was also in Happy Life with Sukkie Kim Yoon Hee)

감사합니다! 장어분들..!^^ 그저 감사하다는 말뿐이….. 편히들 근몽!
Thanks eels, that’s all we can say. Sweet dream.

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