[07.10.2011] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

Shared by: Sukbar

Ah… yesterday after dinner, I went to the hotel and then decided to attend LMFAO after-party, but… dozed for a while and woke up to find that the time was late….huh!!!! Is there anything worse than this??? What happened yesterday!!?!! Fresh liver failed in Japan due to adjustment to the time difference….
啊。。。昨天吃完晚饭后到宾馆决定去LMFAO After party,但。。。暂时打了个盹起来一看是这个时候了。。。哼!!!!有比这还冤枉的不???昨天到底发生了什么事情!!?!!生肝到日本后适应时差失败。。。

I’m on TV, kekekekekeke
我上电视了 呵呵呵呵呵

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