[News] JKS’ popularity in Japan surpasses Bae Yong-jun

Source: China Entertainment Net 中国娱乐网
Date: 22 June 2011

Japan is now clasping JKS in its hands
(i.e. treating him in a cherished manner)

Reputed Japanese magazine “AERA” has a special report entitled “Whether JKS has surpassed Bae Yong-jun”, which analyzes JKS’ high popularity in Japan at a deeper level.

According to the magazine, not only does JKS have fans in their 40s and above who have experienced the earlier Hallyu wave, he also has young fans in their teens and 20s, and seems to have surpassed Bae Yong-jun (BYJ) who has been at the forefront of the Hallyu wave since 2004.

Based on dramas such as “You are Beautiful” (YAB) and “Marry me Mary” (M3) which aired in Japan, JKS has accumulated extremely high popularity, and YAB even set the record of having been broadcast 3 times on Japan television. Already quite well-known from his earlier roles such as “Hwang Jin-yi”, JKS’ frequent activities have resulted in him becoming the most popular new-generation Hallyu star in Japan.

“AERA” thinks that the difference between JKS and BYJ is

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