[News] The lyrics of “淡い雪のように (Fragile like snow)” has drawn attention

UPDATE: Clicking ‘いいね! (Good!)’ in the lyrics page is available only when you access from PC.

The lyrics of “淡い雪のように (Fragile like snow)” was released on the retrieving lyrics service ‘Uta-Net’ and has drawn attention from music lovers. Now it ranked No.1 both in real-time access ranking and the most-watched ranking. To be counted in the most-watched ranking, you need to click ‘いいね! (Good!)’ in the lyrics page. It seems you can click once a day. Keep supporting his new album!

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[article] Review statements of Yun Suk Kim, Sung Ryung Kim, Kim Myung Min and IU about Jang Geun Suk, he is a true Hallyu star.

Original source: TOPSTAR NEWS
English translation: Cindy Chen from ECI

Review statements of Yun Suk Kim, Sung Ryung Kim, Kim Myung Min and IU about Jang Geun Suk, he is a true Hallyu star.
Jang Geun Suk proudly at the top of Hallyu stars is active enough with the nickname “Asia Prince”. Jang Geun Suk was known for good-looking face in the first drama “Alien Sam” was quickly to please all fans through drama “You’re Beautiful”, “Love Rain”, “Beethoven virus”, “HwangJin Yi”, “Hong Gil-dong”, “Pretty Man”… However, there are some misunderstandings of Jang Geun Suk. Some people who argued that he is an inhospitable star. But actually, reading comments of actors used to work with him then someone needs to think again.

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